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Fall of the USSR timeline

By tmazz
  • Russian Civil War

    Russian Civil War
    Civil war between Bolsheviks, or Reds, and anti-Bolsheviks, or Whites, ravages Russia. In northern Russia, British, French and US troops capture Murmansk and Archangel until 1919, while in the Russian Far East they occupy Vladivostok, which was held by the Japanese until 1922. This helps the USSR gain more power.
  • Last of the Romanovs

    Last of the Romanovs
    Nicholas II and his family are executed by firing squad. This is good for the USSR because this helps solidify control.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    Treaty of Brest-Litovsk according to which Russia ceded large tracts of land to Germany; Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan proclaim their independence from Russia. This is bad for Russia because they have lost land.
  • Creation of the Politburo

    Creation of the Politburo
    This is good for the USSR because it is their Secret Police that keeps everything "under control."
  • Stalins Five Year Plan

    Stalins Five Year Plan
    This is good for the USSR because
  • World War II

    After a non-aggresion treaty ends, Nazi Germany envades Poland which is under the USSR. This is good for the USSR because they won.
  • Joe 1

    Joe 1
    First Soviet Russian atomic bomb. This is good for the USSR because they have a new weapon.
  • Hydrogen Bomb

    Hydrogen Bomb
    USSR tests its first hydrogen bomb. This is good for the USSR because they now have a nother new weapon.

    Warsaw Pact is set up. This is good for the USSR because they now have allies.
  • Sputnik

    Soviet Russia launches the first artificial sattelite into space. This is good for the USSR because they are now ahead of the world when it comes to space science.
  • Laika and Sputnik 2

    Laika and Sputnik 2
    The USSR sends the first satellite with a living creature (a dog named Laika) into orbit. This is good for the USSR because they are still ahead of the world in the space race.
  • The Berlin Wall

    The Berlin Wall
    Communist leaders decide to close off Democratic East Berlin from Communist West Berlin.
  • The Russian Federation Files

    The Russian Federation Files
    This is bad for the USSR because it put restraints on their nuclear testing.
  • Invasion of Czechoslovakia

    Invasion of Czechoslovakia
    Soviet and Warsaw Pact troops invade Czechoslovakia to stem a trend towards liberalisation; "Brezhnev doctrine" enunciated, giving communist countries the right to intervene in other communist states whose policies threatened the international communist movement. This good for the USSR because they are expanding their power and territory.
  • SALT 1

    SALT 1
    United States and the Soviet Union negotiated the first agreements to place limits and restraints on some of their central and most important armaments. This is bad for the USSR because they can't expand like they want.
  • SALT 2

    SALT 2
    The primary goal of SALT II was to replace the Interim Agreement with a long-term comprehensive Treaty providing broad limits on strategic offensive weapons systems. This is still bad for the USSR.
  • Soviet-Aghan War

    Soviet-Aghan War
    Soviet troops invade Afghanistan, formally ending the period of detente with the West. This is bad for the USSR because they lose.
  • Gorbachev becomes leader

    Gorbachev becomes leader
    After Cherneko dies, Mikahil Gorbachev becomes leader of the USSR.
  • Chernobyl Disaster

    Chernobyl Disaster
    Chernobyl nuclear power station explodes, showering large areas in Ukraine, Belarus and beyond with radioactive material. This is bad for the USSR because they are caught using nuclear materials and lose land.
  • Voting Reforms by Gorbachev

    Voting Reforms by Gorbachev
    Despite the aim of aiding economic improvement, actually caused an economic downfall, resulting in a series of strikes. This is bad for the USSR because they're ideas are being lost.
  • Glasnost

    Glasnost means openess. Gorbachev used this kind of policy to try to make Russia more open minded. This is bad for the USSR because people are starting to think outside the communist box.
  • LIthuania and Latvia Prostests

    LIthuania and Latvia Prostests
    This is bad for the USSR because they're influence it lessening.
  • Perestroika

    This is bad for the USSR because it's a policy trying to restructure.
  • Fall of The Berlin Wall

    Fall of The Berlin Wall
    After years of seperation, Eastern and Western Berlin are finally brought back together through the destruction of the Berlin Wall. This is bad for the USSR because they have lost influence.
  • Free elections in Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary

    This is bad for the USSR because they have lost all power.
  • Boris Yelstin becomes president

    Boris Yelstin becomes president
    This is bad for the USSR because it is the official end of the Soviet Union.
  • Countries break away

    This is bad for the USSR because they have lost power.
  • Gorbachev Steps Down

    Gorbachev Steps Down
    As the Soviet Union breaks apart, Gorbachev steps down from power. This is bad for the USSR because they are deteriorating