
Fall of the Roman Empire

  • Invasion of the Barbarian Tribes 310-410 C.E. / Constantine 380

    Invasion of the Barbarian Tribes 310-410 C.E. / Constantine 380
    Rome had barbarian groups intrude beyond the empires borders and as a result, were raided by Vandals. The Germanic leader revolted and the Western Empire began its fall. Constantine was the first Christian Emperor. A day before a fight with Maxentius, Constantine prayed to the Heavens and they miraculously beat Maxentius’s army, 3 times Constantine’s army. On his deathbed, he baptized many and proclaimed Jesus is the Lord. He made Christianity the official religion of Rome.
  • Overexpansion

    With Rome having such grand territory, the empire faced outside attacks as they were unable to communicate quickly and funds were being drawn out thus slowing the Roman infrastructure and began to fall.
  • Weakening of the Roman military 410

    Weakening of the Roman military 410
    Unable to provide supple amount of soldiers, other emperors like Constantine began to reinforce their armies. While the Germanic soldiers fought, they fought against the Roman empire, bringing it down.
  • Roman empire Splits 395

    Roman empire Splits 395
    Theodosius 1st was the last Emperor of both the Eastern and Western Roman Empires. When he died in 395 AD the Roman Empire Split into 2 halves; The Eastern and Western Empire’s. The Eastern Half included the city of Byzantium (Turkey/Parts of Asia). The Western Half included the city of Rome (Europe/North Africa). During this period, the city of Rome was attacked by Visigoths in 410 AD and by the Vandals in 455 AD.
  • Economic Troubles

    Economic Troubles
    Rome was suffering from financial crisis, labor deficit, and faltered economy as a result from Vandals and production declining.
  • Political Corruption

    Political Corruption
    Rome's government began to crumble and grew weak as military grew strong. Over the course, Rome had 22 emperors, as many were murdered by their own bodyguard.