Figure 7

fall of roman empire

  • 27 BCE

    The start of Rome

    The start of Rome
    This was when Rome was first discovered
  • 313

    End Persection and declared toleration for Christianity

    End Persection and declared toleration for Christianity
    In 313 C.E., Roman emperor Constantine the Great ended all persecution and declared toleration for Christianity.
  • 324

    Constantine's army defeated the forces of Licinus

    Constantine's army defeated the forces of Licinus
    In 324 C.E., Constantine's army defeated the forces of Licinius, the emperor of the east.
  • 330

    Empire split in two

    Empire split in two
    In 330 C.E., he split the empire into two parts: the western half centered in Rome and the eastern half centered in Constantinople, a city he named after himself.
  • 410

    Visigoths led Alaric breach the walls of Romam empire

    Visigoths led Alaric breach the walls of Romam empire
    In 410 C.E., the Visigoths, led by Alaric, breached the walls of Rome and sacked the capital of the Roman Empire.
  • 476

    End of Roman Empire

    End of Roman Empire
    This was when the Roman Empire ceased to exist anymore