November 9, Shortly after 8 p.m.
Mr.Tucker took a picture of a large group of buses thinking that they were related to the Trump protest happening in downtown Austin. He tweeted it.His twitter account had only 40 followers. -
November 10, 12:49 a.m.
His tweet was posted to the main Reddit community for Mr.Trump. It was situated under the heading of "BREAKING: They found the buses! Dozens lined up just blocks away from the Austin protests." -
November 10, around 9 a.m.
Mr.Tuckers post on Reddit gain more and more attention. Not long after was the tweet on Facebook pages like Robertson Family Values. That post and tweet was shared more than 5,000 times and more than 300,000 Facebook users linked to the Free Republic thread. -
November 10, evening
Mr.Tuckers original tweet got shared on Facebook more than 44,000 times. Mr. Tucker was considering to delete his tweet but wasn't sure. Shortly after 9 p.m.p Mr. Trump sent a tweet. "Just had a very open and successful presidential election. Now professional protesters, incited by the media, are protesting. Very unfair." This tweet gave Mr.Tucker more courage to delete his tweet. -
November 11
Many websites were determined to tell the world that this tweet was fake but nothing had an affect. Mr.Tucker then decided to put the word FALSE on his tweet but it didn't get much attention. He deleted his other tweet. He had now 960 followers on twitter. -
November 10, late morning through the afternoon
Many people then asked Sean Hughes who owned the buses if the rumor was true. he said it wasn't but it did little to calm the fury that was going on the internet.