Fahrenheit 451 Timeline

  • Period: to

    New Technologies

  • Domestic Microwave Oven

    Domestic Microwave Oven
    Advantages: If you are in a hurry, the microwave is a great appliance to cook food fast.
    Disadvantages: Microwave ovens are known to not cook your food throughly leaving cold spots that could result in bacteria growth. They can also destroy the vitamins and nutrients found in fresh foods.
  • Development of the Internet

    Development of the Internet
    Advantages:The Internet has countless benefits. One of the most useful ways its used is for research; it is also helpful to stay up-to-date on what is going on.
    Disadvantages: It can be used to find personal information about someone else. Also, people can purchase illigal items using the internet.
  • Surveillance Cameras

    Surveillance Cameras
    Advantages: These cameras are there at all times recording everything in their view, which means they can catch criminals in action.
    Disadvantages: Phony cameras can be placed by criminals by ATMs. This would give footage of the ATM user typing in their infomation
  • Hand-Held Calculator

    Hand-Held Calculator
    Advantages: The calculator is very helpful when you need to know an answer to a mathematical problem and want to know it quickly.
    Disadvantages: If you are a teacher and testing your students knowlegde for simple arthematic you would not want them to use a calculator.
  • Cell Phone

    Cell Phone
    Advantages: Cell phones let you communicate easily and quickly to other people.
    Disadvantages: Now days, if someone knows your number they can track you down. Also cell phones can contain personal information about you that someone could hack.
  • Digital Camera

    Digital Camera
    Advantages: When you want to capture the moment, using a digital camera is a quick and easy way to do so.
    Disadvantages: It stores the data on a chip and if this gets ruined, that means all your pictures have too.
    They also can be confusing for some people, especially if they are techology impaired
  • Nintendo 64

    Nintendo 64
    Advantages: The Nintendo 64 is a gaming system that was made to enterain people of all ages.
    Disadvantages: The Nintendo 64 uses ROM cartridges; these cartridges are sometimes less resistant to long-term environmental damage which can result in a blank or frozen screen
  • MP3 Player

    MP3 Player
    Advantages: Since it is digital, there are no moving parts inside the MP3 player so it does not jump or skip music. Also, it is small and very portable which make it easy to listen to music on the go.
    Disadvantages: Because they are so portable, MP3 players can be taken into school or work and distract the listener from what they are doing.
  • USB Flash Drive

    USB Flash Drive
    Advantages: They can hold a huge amount of data without having to be transferred to an external hard drive. They are very small and are can easily fit in a pocket.
    Disadvantages: Even a small electrical charge can cause a flash drive to lose their data, for this reason they are not recommended to store long-term data
  • Kindles

    Advantages: This lets you have an unlimited amount of books with you at on time all on one device.
    Disadvantages: It is hard to share books with other people using a kindle.