
Fahrenheit 451 Technology Timeline

By utrose
  • Golden Arches designed by Stanley Meston

    Golden Arches designed by Stanley Meston
    Advantages: McDonalds is a worldwide chain and provides lots of jobs for Americans. Disadvantages: Most of the food is not healthy and it is advertised to kids to much.
  • Modern Hula Hoop invented by Wham-O Company

    Modern Hula Hoop invented by Wham-O Company
    Advantages: They are fun to play with and bring great entertainment. Disadvantages: They can be very agravating when they won't spin around your waist.
  • Lava lamp invented

    Lava lamp invented
    Advantages: They are awesome to watch and are an interesting piece to any room. Disadvantages: They get extremely hot, they are bad to have with little kids around, and the inside can be made of very poisonous material.
  • Push Button Phone was Released

    Push Button Phone was Released
    Advantages: Calling people from home becomes much easier and calling a certain number is much easier. Disadvantages: You can't call people form any where just from home.
  • First digital camera built by Steve Sasson

    First digital camera built by Steve Sasson
    Advantages: Could capture images in time relatively quickly. Disadvantages: Still took a very long time to capture the images.
  • ESPN goes 24 hours on air

    ESPN goes 24 hours on air
    Advantages: People can see what is happening in sports whenever they want. Disadvantages: Someone may spend to much time watching it and may forget to do their homework.
  • ebay invented

    ebay invented
    Advantages: You can buy things on the internet for a good price. Disadvantages: Sometimes the price can be to high for item. Also people may get into debt for putting to much on their credit card.
  • Blackberry was invented

    Blackberry was invented
    Advantages: You can talk to people from almost anywhere. You don't have to carry a huge phone around. Disadvantages: They distact people when they are trying to drive which is very dangerous.
  • Facebook invented

    Facebook invented
    Advantages: Facebook is a great way to connect with people especially people who you don't get to see everyday. Disadvantages: Facebook takes away from how we interact with one another and something written on Facebook can be taken the wrong way and then can't be deleted.
  • Nascar debuts Car of Tomorrow

    Nascar debuts Car of Tomorrow
    Advantages: The car was designed to keep drivers safer and take more of the blow during hard wrecks. Disadvantages: The wing design for the spoiler caused cars to get airborn during a few wrecks.