Book Burning in Nazi Germany
Students and storm troopers burned books and writings deemed "unGerman." As the night wore on more and more books were burned. -
Developments and Incidents Involving the Atomic Bomb
In germany there was a large leak and air rushed in. While this occurred it ignited the uranium powder inside. The burning uranium boiled the water jacket, generating enough steam pressure to blow the reactor apart. Burning uranium powder scattered throughout the lab causing a larger fire at the facility. -
Peace Treaty Ending World War 2
The Peace treaty that ended the war was called the Paris Peace treaty and came into affect as of September 15, 1947. It ended the war between Italy and Germany vs The Soviet Union and United States. -
Black Listing in the Entertainment Industry.
It all began before the Cold War was just beginning. It all began when (HUAC) began to summon certain prefessionals under the suspicion that their work was communist inspired. Ten professionals declined to tell the HUAC whether or not that they were communists. Those ten served time in 1950 -
The Cold War
The Cold War was a state of political and military tension after World War II. It was termed as "cold" because there was no large-scale fighting directly between the two sides. -
The Hiss Affair
A man didn't think that Mr. Hiss was right and proclaimed differently. He fought for Mr. Hiss to be disbanded -
The Loyalty Oath at the University of California
The oath proposed was in addition to the oath to support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California which was required of all officers of the state. Whether faculty members at the state university were indeed officers of the state, and whether they held a public trust, like deputy sheriffs, became one of the most disheartening debates. -
The McCarthy Hearings
Joseph McCarthy accused people in the army that they were communists. After many failed attemps to accuse other people in the end the people thought that he was giving good faith to his followers and no one else -
Korean War
Conflict between the communist and un-communist forces in korea, it raged on from June 25, 1950- July 27, 1953. Korea was split in half one with soviet union and the other with united states -
Comic book bans in the 1950s
In 1954 comic books were being banned because of their content. In the last few years it finally ended where writers could write what they wanted -
Brown vs Board
The plaintiffs in Brown asserted that this system of racial separation, while masquerading as providing separate but equal treatment of both white and black Americans. They changed it and made the two groups come together in schools and work places. -
Rise of Suburbia/Levittown, PA
William Levitt had already established himself as America's biggest housebuilder. He sold so many different houses in the suburbs that it all started to rise.