factors that influenced the growth of the environmental movement

  • Electric cars

    Electric cars use renewable energy to recharge and therefore generate less greenhouse gases which helps to lower global warming.
  • Period: to

    Minimata Disease

    Neurological disease caused because of critical mercury poisoning
  • Silent Spring Book

    Silent spring is a book by Rachel Carson that addressed the negative consequences on the environment caused by the unregulated use of pesticides, and successfully brought these problems to the attention of the American public
  • Bhopal Pesticide Plant

    The Bhopal Pesticide disaster happened because one of the tanks was overheated and burst, resulting in 42 tonnes of toxic methyl isocyanate gas released
  • The WCED published a report called “Our common future”

    the WCED which is the World commission on Environmental and Development published a report which described principles for sustainable development. This report aimed to obtain countries development and a sustainable environment at the same time
  • Inconvenient truth documentary

    Its release created many weather reports that bombarded the news at the time, addressing the controversial and outrageous topic of global climate change, aiming to create a more transparent view of it and to reach a much larger audience.
  • UN Earth Summit

    The UN Earth Summit hosted in Rio, Brazil was the first large scale international conference focused specifically on trying to come up with solutions for global environmental problems. The Main topics discussed were (Climate Change, Desertification, Sustainability, Development, Forests)
  • Paris international agreement

    Paris brought all nations into a common cause to undertake ambitious efforts to combat climate change. It concluded in an agreement to address the challenges of climate change at the multilateral, regional and national levels
  • CDR

    CDR is a way to refer to techniques used for removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and thus reducing global warming.