FACS time line

  • Catharine Beecher

    Catharine Beecher
    she began the home economics movement and played a really big role in women education
  • Ellen H Richards

    Ellen H Richards
    One of the main promoters of home economics focused more in ecology.
  • Justin Smith Morrill Act of 1862

    Justin Smith Morrill Act of 1862
    this event helped provide grants of land to help states finance the development of colleges, specifically those with agriculture and mechanical arts.
  • Land Grant University

    Land Grant University
    gives colleges and universities higher education in the United States from the Morrill Acts of 1862-1890
  • Land grants in Arkansas

    there are two land grant universities in Arkansas those being, the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, and the University of Arkansas in Pine Bluff.
  • Lake Placid Conference

    the first conference that discussed home economics in education
  • American Home Economics Association

    the association for Family and Consumer Sciences commonly known for being the American Home Economics Association.
  • Smith Lever Act of 1914

    Smith Lever Act of 1914
    A federal law that created multiple cooperative extension services that would help land grant universities. Would help people with everyday skills such as economics, agriculture development, leadership skills, government skills and more
  • Smith Hughes Act of 1917

    Smith Hughes Act of 1917
    Home Economics that was apart of high school classes and received federal funding.
  • American Dietetic Association

    American Dietetic Association
    ADA was founded
  • Progressive era

    at this time women got more rights that men had and rights started to become more equal between men and women
  • The start of Speech Pathology

    Speech pathology started to come up more around 1920. Speech pathology started to get recognized to help people all across the world in many different areas.
  • ASHA

    ASHA is the the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association which is the national association for audiologists, speech language pathologists, and hearing scientists.
  • Vocational Amendment of 1968 and 1973

    the first vocational legislation for post secondary students. in 1976 there were more equal opportunities for women and they were upgraded in the vocational education amendments of 1976.
  • Vocational Education Acts of 1963

    helped with the support of vocational education in schools and work.

    NSSHLA is a club that is on college and university campuses, that gets students involved in a club if wanting to go into an ASHA field of work.
  • Vocational Amendment of 1976

    states got federal funding for vocational education which helped them with doing activities and programs to reduce discrimination and more.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

    Helps people with disabilities have the same opportunities as everyone else.
  • Family and Consumer Sciences

    this is when home economics name changed to Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS)

    FCCLA stands for Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America and this is a clean in a lot of high schools across the United States. This allows a lot of leadership skills and teaches a lot of useful skills before going out in the real world.