Montag meets Clarrise
Meets her walking down a road and theystart talking as he walks her to her house. After that he started to look for her everyday. -
Montag's wife gets sick
Montag gets back to an empty pill bottle and his wife overdosed and he called an ambulance, they pump the medicine out of her -
clarisse dies
Montag doesn't walk with Clarisse in awhile. He asks his wife about her and she tells him she passed away. -
Montag becomes interested in books
After Clarisse died he got curious about books and tries to plot how he's gonna smuggle one home -
Montag takes a book from a house
When the firemen go to a house that needs burning he grabs a book and hides it. He takes it home and shows his wife -
Montag's wife pulls alarm on him
Montag won't return books he has so wife pulls alarm on him and the firemen go to his house to burn it. -
The firemen come to burn his house
Mildred pulls the alarm. Montag and other firemen get to his house. He won't give them the books. he kills Beatty with a flamethrower -
Montag gets away from the firemen
firemen come to try and get books, but montag escapes in back alleys -
Montag has to run from the government
Once he gets away from the firemen the governemnt goes after him. while he is running away he gets shot at. -
Montag escapes the government
Montag gets away and becomes a hobo. Him and the other hobos start to collect books.