F.R. Timeline

  • Louis XVI Crowned

  • General Convention

  • Tennis Court Oath

  • Louis dismisses Necker, a popular minister

  • Storming of the Bastille

  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

  • Period: to

    The Wives’ March; Louis “kidnapped” back to Paris

  • Period: to

    Louis & Marie Antoinette flee

    captured at Varennes
  • Austria & Prussia express support for Louis

  • Period: to

    New Constitution ratified

  • France declares war on Austria

  • First use of guillotine

  • Paris Commune established

  • end of Louis XVI’s power

  • French Republic proclaimed

  • Louis XVI executed

  • Committee of Public Safety founded

  • New Constitution proclaimed

  • Republican calendar adopted

  • Marie Antoinette executed

  • Robespierre guillotined

  • Napoleon comes to power