Steller's sea cow
People found this animal only in 1741. In 27 years there were no one of them - people killed the last one. They had very tasty meat.
http://www.zoopicture.ru/stellerova-korova/ -
Quagga was destroyed for meat and skin. The last known wild Quagga was shot in 1870, and the last captive species died in August 1883.
http://nature-time.ru/2014/02/vyimershie-zhivotnyie-v-foto/ -
These animals lived in Europe, Europian part of Russia, Kazakhstan and West Siberia. They disappeared for 15 years. Peole killed the last one when they tried to catch it.
http://www.zoopicture.ru/tarpan/ -
Barbary lion
They lived in Africa. The last Barbary Lion was shot in the Atlas Mountains in Morocco in 1922.
http://www.zoopicture.ru/barbarijskij-lev/ -
Syrian Wild Ass
Large herds of horses roamed the deserts of Syria, Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Iraq in the late 16th century. The last known wild horse Syrian died in a zoo in Vienna in 1927. In the same year, the last known animal was shot in Jordan. Syrian Wild Ass was the smallest model of the horse, it is also one of the few extinct species mentioned in the Bible. http://www.myplanet-ua.com/10-nedavno-vymershix-zhivotnyx/ -
Small greater bilby
Scientists believe that they died out because of cats and foxes, and the constant rivalry with rabbits for food.
http://www.zoopicture.ru/malyj-krolichij-bandikut/ -
Bali tiger
According to some reports, the last Balinese tiger was shot in September 1937, but it is possible that the remains of populations existed until the late 1940s - early 1950s. It was in fashion to hunt them.
http://www.zoopicture.ru/balijskij-tigr/ -
Eskimo curlew
This little bird was traveling between Alaska and Argentina in one giant herd. Since Curlew traveled in one giant herd, one hunter could easily knock down a few dozen of these little ones only a shotgun. Last Eskimo curlew died in the early 1970s. -
Caspian tiger
People hunted the Caspian tigers actively in the late 19th centure. The last of the Caspian Tiger was seen in the 1970s, close to the borders of Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Afghanistan.
http://www.zoopicture.ru/zakavkazskij-tigr/ -
Black Cameroonian rhinoceros
Not long ago these animals were in a great number in central and western parts of Africa. They became extinct in 2011 because of people's hunting. http://www.zoopicture.ru/chernyj-kamerunskij-nosorog/ -
Abingdonskaya Galápagos tortoise
Most abingdonskih elephant turtlewere killed in the 19th century. June 24, 2012 the last animal of this kind, George, died of a heart attack.
http://www.zoopicture.ru/abingdonskaya-slonovaya-cherepaxa/ -
PEOPLE! DO NOT KILL ANIMALS!!!!! WATCH! <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/f57yjmlGHko" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>