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Traditional media versus new social media differences impact and outcome (2)

Exposure to traditional to new media

  • I was born where we don't know what technology is.

    I was born where we don't know what technology is.
    When we are younger we don't expose in gagdets
  • We are far from municipal so we are not able to communicate our family there.

    We are far from municipal so we are not able to communicate our family there.
  • Radio

    our mean source of information is radio
  • Traditional letter

    Traditional letter
    we use paper and pencil to create letter to send to our loveones and told them that we are fine
  • A mile from school

    A mile from school
    We walk a mile to go to school to get some facts from our teacher
  • Face to Face communication

    Face to Face communication
    We gather information through face to face conversation
  • We go to our neighbor to watch movies

    We go to our neighbor to watch movies
  • The that I received my first phone

    The that I received my first phone
    It is useful to have phone because through mobile phones we are able to communicate my sister who were working to other places.
  • Social Media

    Social Media
    Due to technology today, I'm updating my facebook account day to day.
  • Until now I was able to communicate someone who were far from me.

    Until now I was able to communicate someone who were far from me.
    I'm able to share and accept information from others