Exposure to Traditional/New Media

  • Books

    Books were my introduction to media before anything. It was my earliest way of learning from what I remember
  • Television

    From what I can remember, it wasn't long until television became another way for me to learn. It was introduced to me a couple years after
  • Phones/Computers

    This time was a huge step in my media experiences, although these technologies weren't mine, their capabilities were experienced by me.
  • Mobile Games

  • Internet

    This was one of the biggest influences and forms of media introduced to me when I was young. Mozilla Firefox probably being my first browser.
  • YouTube

    This was one of the first websites my brother and I browsed
  • Mozilla Firefox

    Mozilla Firefox
    My first browser
  • iPod

    I remember this because of Linkin Park, one of the first bands I listened to on a device
  • Nintendo

    The Nintendo DS/Gameboy was probably my introduction to a form of media which brought a lot of entertainment from my childhood memories. It was bought by our mom for our personal enjoyment
  • Cinema

    My first movie experience was probably Iron in 2008
  • PSP

    This came a little after our DS
  • Magazines

    I kinda forgot what the name of the magazines were, but there was a time where I would collect magazines for kids in the grocery stores
  • Wii

    A couple years after, I was introduced to another form of gaming console, the Wii, which was another form of entertainment for us
  • Mac

    I used my mom's mac for entertainment purposes and to record 'vlogs'. (which are really cursed and bad)
  • Safari

    My second browser through a Mac
  • ****brix

    This was when my cousin introduced us to a form of humor that wasn't cartoons but rather, something quite inappropriate for our age at the time
  • PS3

    My cousin suddenly came to our house one day with a PS3, which we found to be mind-blowing at the time, and one that would create enjoyable moments.
  • Facebook

    I wasn't really the one who made a facebook account, in fact, it was my mom.
  • Xbox

    This was a part of my life where I was being introduced to forms of media which really brought in a lot of entertainment to my younger days. The Xbox 360 was a console which my brother and I played at a friends house from time-to-time to create many fun and memorable moments.
  • Period: to

    iPhones/iPads (pre 7)

    This was a time where I wasn't really being introduced to anything (physical) new but the iPhones were pumping so there was that ://
  • 9gag

    Enter the jokes, my friends and I would laugh at whatever this site brought to us because our humor back then was whack (until now though)
  • Twitter

    This came together with my discovery of other social media apps
  • Wii U

    Wii U
    Another one of Nintendo's entertaining consoles, which I played in a friend's house
  • Instagram

    Although my own account was birthed in 2014/2015, my knowledge of the app's existence was through my mom and sister in 2013
  • Google Chrome

    Google Chrome
    This is my third and currently used browser
  • PS4/Xbox One

    PS4/Xbox One
    This was quite a big things, because at this point, I was a g a m e r. So seeing these new 'next-gen' games announced and played before my eyes were something special
  • Snapchat

    My friends persuaded me to use this app
  • Edmodo

    This was used in our school to see announcements
  • Gaming Laptops

    Gaming Laptops
    This was a specific type of laptop which caught my interest because of a friend of mine who would discuss it 24/7 with me
  • Bluetooth Speakers

    Bluetooth Speakers
    Although I probably experienced this way before, I only took notice of this at a recent date
  • Google Drive

    Google Drive
    I only became aware of this when I moved schools
  • Switch

    Nintendo's latest console which is played by many
  • Reddit

    Although this existed way back, I only took notice of it during this time through Youtube videos and memes
  • TikTok

    This was cursed and I hated it (love/hate relationship)