Exposure to traditional and new media

By kizsh
  • 2009

    when i was 3 years old i always watch tv shows for kids
  • 2010

    when i was 4 years old my parents always reads me story books
  • 2011

    when i was 5 years old we always take pictures to store our memories especially when we go on a road trip
  • 2012

    when i was 6 years old i always hear my grandpa listening to radio so sometimes i always join with him and listen to it with him
  • 2013

    when i was 7 years old i always watch my brother playing the computer and sometimes i always play with him
  • 2014

    when i was 8 years old my mama gave me my first ever flip phone
  • 2016

    when i was 10 years old i started using social media apps like facebook and messenger
  • 2017

    when i was 11 years old i installed another social media and it is my second social media that i was exposed to and it was musical.ly and i always watch random videos there everytime i get bored and make videos there
  • 2015

    when i was 9 years old i always watch youtube videos to past time
  • 2018

    12 years old, i discovered a new social media called instagram
  • 2019

    when i was 13 years old i discovered a new app that is very similar to musical.ly and that was the app called tiktok
  • 2021

    i was 15 years old and nothing new im still using the same social media apps that i use everyday but i also started reading books and i transfered from modular to online classes so iwas new to other things that is used for online classes
  • 2020

    i was 14 years old, the pandemic started but i discovered a new app called discord and there i met new friends online and also i started attending to school through online but i picked modular so i answer my school works through my modules
  • 2022

    i am now 16 years old, the cases of covid is getting lower, and face to face classes has started, there was nothing new, i still use the same social medias but when i was 15 years old i used to attend school online but now since face to face classes has started and everything went back to normal. instead if facing the laptop i would just face the blackboardd and listen to my teacher