Exposure to Traditional and New Media

By CJ S.
  • Television Exposure

    Television Exposure
    I was introduced to television through educational shows like Hi-5, Dora the Explorer, Little Einsteins, and other different children's shows. This was one of the things that helped me develop my mind as a child.
  • Books

    My parents would buy me children's books for both my education and entertainment. Most of these books were the kind that had a moral attached to it so that it would help me develop my morals.
  • Social Media

    Social Media
    I would use an old Facebook account, that my mom controlled, to play Pet Society.
  • Newspapers

    I would have newspapers lying around on tables in my house, so I would occasionally look at them, but not read them.
  • Magazines and Consoles

    Magazines and Consoles
    It was around this year that I would start to collect magazines, specifically K-Zone magazines. I would continue to collect these magazines since they would function as a source of entertainment and information until its last issue. By Christmas of this same year, my parents bought me a PSP as a gift. Initially, I rejected it, but I eventually gave in and used it to entertain myself.
  • Board Games

    Board Games
    I would play Monopoly and Scrabble with my family on some occasions.
  • Reading

    At this point, I would begin to read magazines like Reader's Digest. Additionally, I would also read newspapers on some occasions. I would read them not only for entertainment, but to learn more.
  • Consoles (Part 2)

    Consoles (Part 2)
    I got a Nintendo Wii for entertainment and would use it to play games like Wii Sports. In a way, the console was a good family bonding tool due to its multiplayer aspects.
  • Emails and Books

    Emails and Books
    By this year, I made my first Gmail account and I also started collecting Diary of a Wimpy Kid books since I found the series to be quite entertaining.
  • Edmodo

    My teachers in lower middle school required my classmates and I to use the application called Edmodo for our education. This was because teachers would post reminders and homework for us to do.
  • Consoles (Part 3)

    Consoles (Part 3)
    I was gifted with a PS3 for entertainment purposes during Christmas of 2014.
  • iPad

    Since MIIS was saying that they would begin to integrate technology with our education, my parents bought me an iPad to use for school. Most of the time, however, I would end up using it instead to play games, but I would still use it to check on Edmodo.
  • Changes in 2015

    Changes in 2015
    I began to use the internet more to stay updated on several things going on in my hobbies. Additionally, I began to start using Messenger to contact teachers, classmates, and friends.
  • Email Account for School and for Personal Use

    Email Account for School and for Personal Use
    When I entered Grade 9, MI gave me and my other classmates got a school email for us to use in our education. This also intorduced all of us to Google Classroom, an application that we did not know about because the only application we had used for education, at the time, was Edmodo. Additionally, this opened us all up to the different google applications that can be used for different situations. Aside from this email, I also made a separate one for personal use.
  • Consoles (Part 4)

    Consoles (Part 4)
    I was gifted with a PS4 during Christmas of 2016 for entertainment purposes.
  • Canva

    During my first year in high school, I was introduced to Canva, a website that is utilized in making infographics, posters, and other media that can be designed through the internet. Learning about this website has helped me a lot during my time in high school since I used it for a lot of my projects that involved graphic design.
  • iPhone

    When I got to high school, my parents gave me an iPhone for me to be able to call them from school so that I would know if they were already there to pick me up. They would also use it to call me in general. Aside from this, I would use the phone to play games, take the occasional photo, and to surf the web.
  • Consoles (Part 5)

    Consoles (Part 5)
    During December of 2017, I was gifted with a Nintendo Switch for entertainment use.
  • Fanfiction and Manga

    Fanfiction and Manga
    My leisure reading had shifted from reading books to reading both fanfiction and manga. In a way, these two improved my vocabulary. Most of all, these two have taught me that you need to dig through a lot of rubbish in order to find a gem.
  • Facebook

    I had to get a Facebook account so that I could like any posts about the Grade 11 Fitness Fair.
  • Stock Market Introduction

    Stock Market Introduction
    By the third quarter of 2018, I was part of a competition called the JA Stock Market Challenge. In order for me to view company stocks, I had to sign up for an account for both Tsupetot and Investagrams. These two have helped the group I was in to win the competition and has opened me up more to investing in the stock market.
  • A New Book

    A New Book
    I decided to buy a book called Nevernight since I felt that I needed to read more physical media.
  • MacBook Air

    MacBook Air
    During my time in grade 10, I was using my father's laptop for a lot of my online schoolwork. This changed during Christmas of 2018 because my father bought himself, my sister, and I a MacBook for us to use for work. Now, I did use it for work, but I also used it to surf the web and read.
  • Dungeons and Dragons

    Dungeons and Dragons
    During the year 2018, I began to be interested in the tabletop roleplaying game called "Dungeons & Dragons". I would do a lot of research about how it works through the internet. It was only during 2019 that I would buy one of the books for it called the "Player's Handbook" and proceed to make my own characters for it.
  • Reddit

    By the start of 2019, I created a Reddit account for me to browse for memes. This also sort of helped me stay updated on things going on in pop culture as I did not really look into the ongoings of pop culture too much.
  • Another New Book

    Another New Book
    During the first quarter of 2019, I bought another new book called "Me and Earl and the Dying Girl" for my entertainment.
  • Canvanizer

    During my time in the Ateneo Junior Summer Seminar, I learned about an organizer called a business model canvas. This also introduced me to the website called Canvanizer, a website to go to for making business model canvases.
  • Discord

    I had initially known about Discord as a chat app for gamers for a while, but it wasn't until 2019 that I got an account for it. My reason for getting it was for me to stay in contact with my classmates from the Ateneo Junior Summer Seminar. Currently, I only check on it for anyone who is active.