Exposure to Media

  • Books (Al)

    Books (Al)
    When I started to attend preschool, I was exposed to books. My mom also bought me other learning books for me to jumpstart my reading abilities. I first started with books that have tons of pictures though. Books for me are important as a foundation for anyone because they not only carry information, but they also teach us competence in reading and analyzing information too.
  • Personal Computer (Al)

    Personal Computer (Al)
    My mom bought a family computer in the year 2004 for us to use. I was 4 at this time and all I did was play games with it. During this time, computers were chunky, bulky and big. Computers are one of the mediums of productivity and communication in the Digital Age. Despite the its rumored eradication in exchange of more smaller and portable computers or devices, computers still aid in today's society for productivity and communication.
  • Phones (Al)

    Phones (Al)
    I remember my mother acquiring a phone plan for her phone carrier. It was a the then popular Nokia 3310 and I was so happy to be able to hold one at such young age. It was my first time holding a cellphone and just like the computer, all I did was play games on it. Cellphones that time were simple yet useful to communicate with others through texting and calling. Despite its simplicity compared to today's phones, it was decent for performing its main use.
  • Camera (Al)

    Camera (Al)
    My parents love taking pictures since they were young and even up to this day. There were no selfies back then, but my parents had this film camera and I remember being to hold one at the age of 4. Today, I am still at awe for photography. Cameras have evolved tremendously that almost every piece of technology has one. Also, even the most popular camera today is on a smartphone!
  • TV (Al)

    TV (Al)
    Television was a 2000's necessity! Back then, before smartphones, it was the most popular means of digital entertainment. I remember watching my favorite cartoons on a big and bulky one! Today, TV's are getting slimmer, wider, clearer, bigger, smarter and some even curvier.
  • Radio (Al)

    Radio (Al)
    My grandmother used to love listening to the radio. I also remember when I was 4, my grandmother would listen to local news and music from the local radio station. Although radios aren't as popular as they used to be, it has contributed so much in broadcasting information to the public.
  • CD's (Al)

    CD's (Al)
    When I was a kid, my mom bought me tons of CD's. They were either kids movies or educational ones. I used to love watching my favorite Disney movies whether they were live action or animated. Despite the increasing level of eradication for CD's today because of many alternatives to it, they served a great purpose of storing information especially in the early 2000's.
  • Books (Janielle)

    Books (Janielle)
    I first got my books at this age and it was also the time I started reading. Books are useful to carry and read information.
  • TV (Janielle)

    TV (Janielle)
    I watch TV with my family and this was the year I started too. TV is used to broadcast information to the public and also for entertainment.
  • Radio (Janielle)

    Radio (Janielle)
    I listen to the radio for news at this age with my family and sometimes use it for music in the morning. Just like the TV, they broadcast information through audio.
  • Telephone (Al)

    Telephone (Al)
    I used to call my mom through a telephone (to her office) because I had no personal phone back then. Before cellphones, telephones were used to communicate with other people. Today, we only see them in a few homes, most offices and other establishments.
  • Magazines (Al)

    Magazines (Al)
    My mom used to have subscriptions to many magazines whether it was fashion, home, lifestyle, food and the gossipy ones. When I was 5, all I did was just read the headlines and appreciate the creativity of the pictures and the layouts. Magazines today are also rare, because magazine companies are turning their heads to digital ones - the ones you can access with your smart devices.
  • Billboards (Al)

    Billboards (Al)
    From what I remembered, I used to pass by billboards on car rides with my parents. They hold out information about certain things mostly advertisements of new products and promos.
  • Camera (Janielle)

    Camera (Janielle)
    My family use to take pictures of me as a kid and that was my first encounter for a camera. A camera is used to take photos and now they are found in our pockets likes a smartphone.
  • Gaming Consoles (Janielle)

    Gaming Consoles (Janielle)
    I remember playing brick games as a kid and started playing other consoles. These are used to entertain people before smartphones overturned this concept.
  • CDs (Janielle)

    CDs (Janielle)
    My family buys CDs all the time and this was the time I remembered seeing one and using one. They are used to store information and is popular before USB came.
  • Computer (Janielle)

    Computer (Janielle)
    This was my first exposure to a computer and I use it to play games. Today a computer is used for productivity and entertainment.
  • Phones (Janielle)

    Phones (Janielle)
    This was the year I first used a cellphone and played games on it. Today they are used for many things as they get smarter and more powerful ever year.
  • Telephone (Janielle)

    Telephone (Janielle)
    I remember playing with one and act as if I was calling someone. This was the year I first touched one. They are used to communicate with other people and today they still are, but not as popular as it used to be.
  • Newspapers (Al)

    Newspapers (Al)
    My mom's office used to have subscriptions for newspapers. Although I don't usually read a newspaper, even until today, I could still remember only reading the headlines as a kid. Newspapers still are one way of spreading news to the public.
  • Flashdrives (Al)

    Flashdrives (Al)
    It was at this age when elementary had just started. My mom gifted me a flashdrive (with 2gb) to store files like hers. It was useful and I hung it up on my ID because that is how flashdrives used to be. Today, we still see them, but smaller with bigger storage.
  • Posters (Janielle)

    Posters (Janielle)
    I read posters before especially educational ones. Today they still serve the main purpose - giving out information, but they are now usually digital.
  • Internet (Janielle)

    Internet (Janielle)
    This was the year I was introduced to the internet. It is used today as way to communicate with people and entertain ourselves. It also has lots of information for us to access.
  • Laptop (Al)

    Laptop (Al)
    It was in this year when my mother replaced our old family computer with a laptop. Although my dad bought me in 2011, I got to use one on 2008. I only used it for basic things like making homework, creating documents and presentations and playing games. Today, laptops are more slimmer, lighter and powerful. I used one today for school and for productivity as well.
  • Typewriter (Al)

    Typewriter (Al)
    Typewriters have existed for a very long time, but I only got to be exposed to one in 2008. My mom's office still kept one and I remember playing with it every time I would visit. Although its safe to say they're completely obsolete, it has served to be the means of writing in the past days faster than manually writing.
  • MP3 Player (Janielle)

    MP3 Player (Janielle)
    This is the year I owned one and started using one. They are used to play music and even access radio to broadcast information.
  • Walkie Talkie (Janielle)

    Walkie Talkie (Janielle)
    I played with one and was used to communicate with my playmates. Today, they are still used to communicate especially with security and staff.
  • Social Media (Al)

    Social Media (Al)
    It was in 2009 when I creating my first e-mail. Hence, being able to sign up for different social networking sites! It was facebook I first signed up for. Other than communicating, facebook used to be a popular social media site for playing games and I used it like that too until smartphones came. Social Networking sites have come a long way, other than sharing and communicating, developers continue to create better platforms for these sites.
  • MP3 Player (Al)

    MP3 Player (Al)
    My dad had an Mp3 player and it was my first time to use one. Today, it is unlikely to see one because our phones could do stream music instead.
  • Billboards (Janielle)

    Billboards (Janielle)
    I remembered this year being to see a billboard clearly. They project information to people and inform them of something.
  • Gaming Consoles (Al)

    Gaming Consoles (Al)
    My mom bought me a PSP to play with. Back then, this was what I used to entertain myself in spare time. Today, they still exist, but phone gaming has been more evident.
  • Typewriter (Janielle)

    Typewriter (Janielle)
    This was my first time to see and use one. I used to play with it from my family. They are not used anymore because today computers even phones are used instead.
  • Smartphones (Al)

    Smartphones (Al)
    This was the year my mom immediately bought me a graduation gift right after graduation. She let me pick a smartphone and I instantly got it! It was nice having a smartphone because you can do almost everything with it. Today, smartphones are the almost like a basic human necessity because enterprises and concepts are being made and make used to through a smartphone.
  • Tablets (Al)

    Tablets (Al)
    This was the year my dad also bought an iPad for the family. Since I am an only child, it was almost like my very own tablet. Tablets today are popular because it almost replaces a computer for performing basic task and other productivity. An iPad's goal today is to actually become the replacement for a laptop and that's what Apple is trying to do.
  • Smartphones (Janielle)

    Smartphones (Janielle)
    This was my first time owning one and I was happy because it can be used in many things. Today this is the most popular type of device and almost everyone has one.
  • Hard Drive (Al)

    Hard Drive (Al)
    This was the year my dad and mom bought me a hard drive. I remember asking for one and they both bought me one without knowing the other did so I ended up having 2! It was useful because I just started high school and I needed a storage unit for my files and for back-up. Today just like smaller flashdrives, they are designing smaller, thinner and more powerful ones that could hold more storage.
  • Electronic Billboard (Janielle)

    Electronic Billboard (Janielle)
    This was my first time to witness one when we went to Manila. They bring information in a bigger screen just like an ordinary billboard.
  • Electronic Billboard (Al)

    Electronic Billboard (Al)
    It was this year my mom, dad and I traveled to Singapore and Malaysia for vacation. It was my first time to encounter an electronic billboard just like the one in Times Square, NY in downtown Singapore. It was almost like I was watching TV in the size of an entire building. The best thing about it is that the street was covered with many! This device is useful for advertising or spreading information to public in a crowded place in such big views.
  • Smartwatch (Al)

    Smartwatch (Al)
    Apple just introduced their Apple Watch and it was this year when I first saw and used one. I don't own one because its super pricey and the need for it is not worth it. Although this is useful for people who track down their fitness - especially athletes as it has useful health apps and can be worn on the wrist.