Howard Carter discovers Tutankhamun's tomb and burial chamber
Howard Carter discovers Tutankhamun's tomb and antechamber
Howard Carter discovers Tutankhamun's tomb and treasury
Demolition begins in District Six
Marshall McLuhan 'The Medium is the Message'
The Global Village
District Six Museum established in Buitenkant Street
SA Jewish Museum opens
Herselman & Britton - Analysing the role of ICT in bridging the digital divide amongst learners
Puentedura - A Matrix Model for Designing and Assessing Network-Enhanced Courses
'Tutankhamun' opens in Zurich
Knobel & Lankshear - Remix: The Art and Craft of Endless Hybridization
Andy Lane - The Impact of Openness on Bridging Educational Digital Divides
Belshaw's eight essential elements of digital literacies
Li, Liew & Su - The digital museum: Challenges and solution
Mihailidis & Cohen - Exploring Curation as a Core Competency in Digital and Media Literacy Education
Springbok Experience opens at V & A Waterfront
Cairns & Birchall - Curating the Digital World: Past Preconceptions, Present Problems, Possible Futures
'Tutankhamun' opens at Grand West Casino, Cape Town
'Tutankhamun' closes in Cape Town