
By a002028
  • Nov 3, 1493

    founded oldest settlement in puerto rico.

    juan ponce de leon foud the oldest settliment in puerto rico and
    landed on florida.
  • Sep 20, 1519

    firt circumibation of the glob.

    thanks to the offerts of ferdinan magellian the first around the
    planet was made proving that the earth is round and not planes as many belived.
  • sacagawea leads the crops expedision

    sacagawea with her 2 months baby helps explorers lewis and clark during their expedition through the rocky mountains to the
    pacific oceon and back. she relived no compensantion for it.
  • lewis and clark rops expedition.

    by the appointment of thomas of thomas jeferson meriwether lewis and wiliam clark explored more than 8,000 miles whith the help of sacagawea.
  • the first man to walk on the moon.

    Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon.
  • first sea trip from europa to india.

    vasco the gama is the first explorer to make a sea trip from europa to india , by going around the africa continent.