Sep 21, 1538
First Day at Sea
The first day at sea was uneventful. I often felt lost on the boat. I have already broken into my crackers even though I was not planning too until day 5. I hope there's enough food to last the whole exploration. -
Sep 23, 1538
First Port
Today we traded with a place called Maldives. We got 50 bundles of cotton. I believe this cotton is what a cloud would feel like. It could make a blanket that would put me asleep during a raging storm. -
Sep 30, 1538
Second Entry from Sea
I believe it is day 10. Last night, I fell asleep in the Crows Nest. Captain was not happy with me and I missed my meal for the night. It feels that my stomach is digesting itself. -
Oct 5, 1538
Second Port
This port we have stopped at Ceylon. Captain says we are heading East. This time, we got spices that will make your nose run and your mouth water. The people were very nice and respectful. There was a little bit of struggle because they spoke nmo English -
Oct 15, 1538
Third Entry from Sea
I'm getting very bored in the Crow's Nest. I have not seen any hazards or nearby ships. I'm becoming very skilled at getting up and down the Crow's Nest. I'm still very hungry. -
Oct 26, 1538
Third Port
Our third port was a place called Chennai in the country of India. They had the most amazing thing as we came to the port! they had dancers of the belly. Women were dancing in bright colored clothing as we traded for barrels of beads, It was something I'll never forget. -
Nov 22, 1538
Fourth Day at Sea
Captain still has us eating hardtack. As the weather gets colder, the hardtack is getting even harder than before. Some men have gone mad from hunger and have jumped into the frigid water. The Crow's Nest keeps my mind sharp. -
Dec 2, 1538
Fourth Port
Our fourth port was a place I had never heard of. The Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The locals, like most ports, spoke no English. They did have the most beautiful and smooth wooden sculptures you could ever imagine. All we gave them was one gun and showed them how to use it. They had been using wooden spears to hunt the local game for all eternity. -
Dec 23, 1538
Fifth Port
We have stopped at our fifth port in a place called Thanlyin and I'm starting to think Captain is crazy. We traded our only cannon for the most food I have ever seen. He won't tell us why and he's been a rare jolly fellow. We also got the finest silk in all the land. I'm getting towards the end of my ink and I'm not sure where I'll be able to get more. -
Dec 25, 1538
Fifth Day at Sea
They say today is the Day of Christ. I do not have much knowlege on the subject. Everyone is in a jolly mood as this is the first day in months that we haven't ate hardtack. Captain has a feast planned for us. My stomach and I can hardly wait. I have run and out of ink so I'm forced to say farewell.