Louisiana Purchase
In 1803 the US doubled its size when we bought the Louisiani tertory. It doubled Americas size adding 828,000 sgare miles and added 14 states. America got the land for a really cheap price. We got it for $15,000,000 or 4 cents an acre. The Louiaiana Purcas was verry important in westward exaption. -
Corps of Discovery Expodition
The Corps of Discovery explord west and maped the land. Thomas Jefferson sent Lewis and Clark west to map and explore the land but he also sent them to try to find a water way to the pacfic. Along the way they found a helpful indian named Sacagawea who helped them translate to other Native Americans, find food and gudided them. The coros sussced in every thing execept finding the directed warter way. The corsp helped create America into what it is today. -
The War of 1812
The War of 1812 was between America and England. The war started when the United States refused to pick a side in the war between England and France. England started forcing American sailors to join the British Navy. This caused America to stand up to England and the war began. The Star Spangled Banner was written during this conflict. The important Battle of New Orleans which was lead by Andrew Jackson, took place after the peace treaty, The War of 1812 helped shape the nation. -
Florida Territory
Florida was added to the United States as a territory as a reslut of Andrew Jackson leading the army into Florida to to catch Seminole raiders.He did not follow orders and attacked the Spanish settlements and took them over. He then overthrew Florida's government and claimed Flordia for America. America then payed the Spanish for the land. That is how Florida was added to the country. -
Monroe Doctrine
The Monroe Doctrine cut down the competition for the land in the New World. It stated that no forgein power could come colonize the land. It said that the United States would fight any country that tried. It was a warning to European countries to keep their distance. The Monroe Doctrine allowed for America to continue colonization without competition. -
Indian Removal Act & Trail of Tears
The Indian Removal Act was a terrible event in Americ's history. This Act made thousands of Indians leave their home and walk to Oklahoma. A lot of Indians died on this hard journey, that is why it called the Trail of Tears. The Native Americans got ripped off because their land was better and more fertile than the land in Oklahoma. This was also a hardship since the climate was different, and they had to start all over again. It was unfair of the Americn govermenat to move the Indians . -
Texas joined the Union after becoming independent for Mexico. The Alamo was a rallying point in this step toward indpendece. After breaking away from Mexico, Texas did not do well. They tried to join the United States, but US did not want them to be apart of the country. Finally, Texas joined the union as a slave state. Texas has a rich history belonging to Mexico, trying to be independent, and then at last being accepted by the United States. -
Mexican and America War and Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Mexico and America got into a war over Texas' borders. The two countries signed the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidlgo which gave the United States the land that now is part of Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming. The treaty was signed because American troops captured the Mexican President and lead to the end of the war. This was a great victory for the United States. This not only eneded the wart but secured a lot of land for the country. -
Oregon Territory
Oregon Territory was wanted by many countries. Russia, Spain and the U.S.A. all laid claim to one time. America said it was part of the "Manifest Destiny" that Oregon belong to them. The campaing slogan of James Polk was "Fifty Four Forty or Fight," meaning that the US boarder should be the 54 lattitude. After the election the Untied States comprimsed with Britian and the 49th lattitude became the border. The Oregon Territory include land that is Orgon, Washington, Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana.