Growing up my twin sister and I never spent a lot of time infront of the tv or computer, so getting a Nintendo DS for Christmas in 2005 is one of the earliest memories I have of interacting with technology. -
I got my first mobile phone in 2006. Looking back on this experience I only ever used it to play snake, but for a 9 year old it was pretty cool to have. -
Family Computer
I think it was arounf 2007 that I began to emerge myself in the technological world when I started to use the family computer to talk to my friends, on sites such as bebo and msn messenger, and play games such as The Sims. -
High School
In 2008 I started high school and was exposed to a whole new side of technology. Thus far I have never used technology to aid my learning but in high school I started using computers and smart boards regularly in different lessons and classes. -
Twitter was invented in 2006, but I didn't create an account until 2008. It was always just application to use for fun, until I came to university where we often use it to aid our learning. -
2012 was also the year I first got a smarthphone, and since, I don;t think a day has went past when I haven't used whatever phone I had at the time. It's interesting, and sometimes quite alarming, to see how heavily dependant on our smartphones we all are. -
For my birthday in 2012 I got my own personal laptop. I mainly used it for researching, writing essays and different school purposes. I could not have done a lot of work to the standard required without a laptop. -
Coming to university has enabled me to use social media and technology in a way that I never had before. I use my laptop in every lecture and tutorial. I would be lost without it. Using social media such as Twitter to aid learning is also a new and interesting concept.