Experiences w/ Reading that have shaped who I am today

  • My First Favorite Book

    My First Favorite Book
    Just Go to bed (Little Critter) was my first favorite book. Because I loved little critter books so much it movtivated me to keep reading the series.
  • Dr. Seuss Day

    Dr. Seuss Day
    In first grade on Dr. Seuss birthday, we would read Dr. Seuss books and dress up like the cat. Hearing the rhymes when my teacher read the book helped me learn how to read a challenging book.
  • Neopets

    I was in love with Neopets, but as six years old girl it was very hard to read the website. I would consistently press the random button until it would lead me to where I wanted to go. The website motivated me to learn new words so I can have fun playing online.
  • Reading Plays

    Reading Plays
    There would be short story plays in our reading book. I would look for the longest part and ask to read that character. It motivated me to become a better reader so I could get a bigger part.
  • Reading Groups

    Reading Groups
    In fourth grade, there would be reading groups and I knew the group was separated by reading proficiency. I was in the intermediate reading group and I wanted to be in the smart kid's circle. I went to the library every day to read and at the end of the year, I was able to join the smart kid's reading group.
  • Talent Show

    Talent Show
    I was in love with the movie Camp Rock. I practiced reading and memorizing my favorite lyrics to one of the songs because I wanted to sing it in the talent show.
  • Nitendo DS

    Nitendo DS
    I studied so hard in school so my mom would buy me a Nintendo DS. A lot of the games required reading so it encourage me to learn and ask questions on challenign words.
  • Among the Hidden

    Among the Hidden
    This was one of my first favorite chapter book series. It made me want to read the next book to figure out what happened.
  • Reading Games

    Reading Games
    In elementary school, I remember we had a reading game we could play during computers where it would ask questions of the books we've read. The more books I read and completed the quiz, the more points I would recieve. There were different stages for points. The student's name would be on the wall for the whole school to see.
  • The Fault in Our Stars

    The Fault in Our Stars
    The first book to ever make me cry. From that point on I knew books were better than watching a movie because I realized how much emotions they truly carry. This book made me fall in love with reading.