
Expansion of Technology in America

  • 1956: World’s First Hard Drive (5MB) (Nov, 1956)

    1956: World’s First Hard Drive (5MB) (Nov, 1956)
    Disadvantage: They were 24 inches in diameter and were very large and a hassle to have around. Advantage: It was very useful and allowed people to have storage for personal things.
  • The first Handheld Calculator

    The first Handheld Calculator
    Disadvantage: There were still many math problems the caculator alone could not solve , it needed to be more advanced, Advantage: It was a very easy way to access answers to math situations in a more accurate and time efficent way.
  • Word Processor: word star

    Word Processor: word star
    Disadvantage: It wasnt a very public invention the intentions of this was for writers so alot of people did not have this available to them.
    Advantage:For passionate writers this became a very easy and helpful tool for them to write and store writings and made the process quicker.
  • The Disposable Camera

    The Disposable Camera
    Disadvantage: There was a limit to the amount of pictures you could take and it was a 20 photo limit so it was very fustrating to people to have to take multiple or use up photo on acciendtal snaps.
    Advantage: They were portable, small, quick and easy to use. They took good quality pictures.
  • The Mp3 player

    The Mp3 player
    Disadvantage: It was a very rapid invention and the youth became very engaged with the mp3 player which caused problems in schools.
    Advantage: It made music on the go and was very convient for music lovers. It was made a very big profit.
  • Texting

    Disadvantage: Well just as any popular trend in society the youth became very attatched to texting and it has interupted classrooms , restricted in schools, and buisnesses.
    Advantage: Even though there are objections to texting, it has made the lives of many people so much more enjoyable. It is very easy to use even though older adults have issues with it. It is a subsitution of talking on the phone, it helped get messages across without taking much time.
  • Skype

    Disadvantage: This program can be too easy to access for youth, alot of inapropiate things can be transfored between computer screens.
    Advantage:It is a tool to help many people stay in contact and see eachother face to face I think it is a very helpful way to help traveling people and just a resource that is available for many things that happen to come up in life.
  • Facebook

    Disadvantage: This rallied up up alot of cyber bullying! It also had many concerns from parents the access to personal information and inapropiate photos.
    Advantage: It helped many people reunite with lost friends and it kept people in touch the ones they care for, also it help bring awareness to buisnesses,places,people,and new things.
  • Youtube

    Disadvantage: Alot of things you want to lookup will be the total opposite of what you wanted.
    Advantage: It is actually very informative, you can learn how to do things like tie a tie or get a virus off your computer. Alot of upcoming artist used youtube to make themselves known. you can search just about ANYTHING andf there will be a video attached.
  • SmartBoard

    Disadvantage:Alot of schools struggle to get them into the classrooms as in to get them in every classroom. It takes alot of getting use to it so alot of teachers and those who have them to get use to them.Advantage: Even though there are allot of things the smartboard is capable of doing so you have alot to it, they are a very useful tool to have in the classrooms. They display everything a student would see or use if the student was on their on computer so it makes learning easier & hands-on.