Brown v. Board of Education Topeka
This Civil Rights movement provided equal access to minorities. This was helpful to students with disabilities and it inspired educational reform all over the country. -
Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
This landmark legislation provided resources to help ensure that disadvantaged students had access to quality education. This legislation later became the No Child Left Behind Act. -
Mills V, Board of Education of District of Columbia
This case said people with disabilities were being excluded from school. This case helped people with disabilities because if offered disable or non-disable protection under the law. -
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
This law was designed to protect the privacy of the student's school records. This law gives parents access to personal information regarding their child. -
Education for All Handicapped Children Act Public Law 94-142
This act provides free and appropriate education in the least restrictive environment for all children with disabilities. -
Armstrong v. Kline
Parents of student noticed their children in special education began to regress during summer break, so they decided to add the extended school year. ESY is available for children with disabilities. -
Individuals with Disabilities Act of 1990
This act added traumatic brain injury and autism as new categories of disability. The transition element was added for those 16 years or older. The 'People First" language began as well. -
The Americans With Disablities Act
This law is to protect people with disabilities from being discriminated against. It is designed for people with disabilities to have opportunities to employment, public services, public accommodations, telecommunications, miscellaneous provisions. -
IDEA Ammenments of 1997
President Bill Clinton signed the amendments to IDEA. After that more students are being put in general education classrooms. Which was a huge win for special education. -
No Child Left Behind Act
The No Child Left Behind Act is reauthorized, it requires that teachers be highly qualified.