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  • Period: to

    First week in Canada

    My first week in Canada was Amazing! The first day that we touched down in snowy Winnipeg was surreal. The frost on the outside of the cab window reminded me of back home in Sweden. In Sweden we also get snow, but the weather here is different. The snow looks brighter and the sun feels warmer. Maybe I'm just glad to be in a new place away from the screaming and the fighting back home. Boy am I glad to be in Canada.
  • West Kildonan Collegiate // Winnipeg, Manitoba

    This morning I woke up with the energy of 10 lions. Today was my first day of grade 9 at West Kildonan high school and I was so excited that the night before I prepared all of my clothes nice and neat on my dresser. However, when I came to school my smiling face quickly turned into deep despair. The first person I tried to talk to made fun of my outfit. His name was Eden and it completely ruined my day.