EWomersley Holocaust

  • Adolf Rises to Power

    With the help of the great depression, Hitler received 37% of the vote and became the largest political party.
  • Restriction of Freedom

    Hitler frames a Dutch communist for burning the Reichstag. Hitler then proceeds to restrict the many rights including speech, assembly, searh without a warrant, death penalty, and press.
  • Start of the End

    The first concentration camp is opened in Dachau. Before the year ends, 9 more will be built.
  • Anti-Jew Laws

    The government ordered the Storm Troops to sit outside of Jewish shops for 3 days. Sic days later, Jews are banned from many jobs and are limited to places they can go.
  • The SS

    Hitler's elite army is sworn in and is given control of the concentration camps. Establish ways to be informed about Jews.
  • The Army

    Hitler abandons the Versailles Treaty and start to build up a army. Make treaties with other nations that will soon be broken.
  • The Olympics

    The Anti-Jewish signs are removed so people don't get suspicious of the Nazi Party.
  • Germany gains an Ally

    Austria is invaded by Germany, but welcomes them and starts arresting and expelling Jews.
  • The Night of Broken Glass

    A 17 year old's parents were taken by the Gestapo. A week later, the 17 year old shoots a German Embassy official. On November 9 and 10 the government "demonstrates" in retaliation. Mobs destroy 7,000 Jewish businesses, burn 195 synagogues, kill 100 Jews, and beat an torture thousands more.
  • Poland's Invasion

    Hitler invades Poland and starts building Ghettos. Over 250,000 people were killed by December. The "Euthanasia Program" goes into effect. Over 200,000 people who are mentally ill, homosexual, foreign, terminally ill, or elderly are killed.