Evy Mock Trial

By lsbradl
  • London finds trench

  • Dentner comes to Philly

  • Zillias asks Turnkin and Estratton about Project Z

  • Fightin' Phil is erected

  • fence is put up

  • Zillias visits site & things get intense

  • Zillias gets very angry and yells things

  • girl falls on ladder

  • roof panel weight comes in

  • Phil is inspected and cleaned

  • Emerson spots London and another squatter near the crane

  • a third shift is added and Zillias starts being on site 24 hours a day

  • Emerson confronts Zillias

  • London finds letter

  • Turnkin, Grace, Zillias and Micah talk it over

  • Reese's article, Zillias sees squatter near crane, & crane falls

  • 7 a.m., Micah starts shift and inspects Phil

  • 10 a.m. 1st lift

  • 7:45, wrench found in Phil's gears

  • 2:15 Grace calls asking Micah if the lift is safe

  • 12:00 Weather report changes

  • 3:20, Micah sees green flag

  • just after 12:00, Dentner arrives and sees Arty near fence

  • 3:00, Dentner is wastching the 2nd lift

  • After collapse: gears found hampered

  • 2:45: 2nd panel lift

  • 3:15: Wind Warning, 25mph+

  • 3:25: Micah hits apex

  • Roughly 3:28: the crane collapses