the revolutionary new phone
Steve jobs introduced the first iPhone comes out with a multi touch glass display,came with 6 to 8 GB storage and had internet access
http://time.com/2934526/apple-iphone-timeline/ -
the iPhone 3g comes out
the iPhone 3g came with a 20% longer lasting battery,weighted less than its older brothers with a tough plastic fram, came with more storage,and had GPS
http://www.everymac.com/systems/apple/iphone/iphone-faq/differences-between-the-original-iphone-and-iphone-3g.html -
the iPhone 4 comes out
it came out with a steel frame on the sides with, a 15% loner battery life, a high resolution camera and updated version of ios 4
http://www.everymac.com/systems/apple/iphone/iphone-faq/differences-between-iphone-4-iphone-3gs.html -
the iphone 4s comes out
the iPhone 4s was significantly more advanced that the iPhone 4 with a faster processor , a 8 megapixel camera, with a 1080p video camera compared to the 720p on the iPhone 4, and a longer last battery http://www.everymac.com/systems/apple/iphone/iphone-faq/differences-between-iphone-4s-iphone-4.html -
the iPhone 5 is revealed
the iPhone 5 had twice the dual core speed than the iPhone 4s with a 1.3 GHz, had a GB RAM compared to the iPhone 4s's 512MB RAM, a much tougher and lighter aluminum fame than its steel counter part and a much larger screen.
http://www.everymac.com/systems/apple/iphone/iphone-faq/differences-between-iphone-5-iphone-4s-iphone-4.html -
the iPhone 5s is revealed
it came with the new id touch which allows you to open up your phone with your fingerprint,a glare resistant camrea,and came with a 11% longer lasting battery
http://www.everymac.com/systems/apple/iphone/iphone-faq/differences-between-iphone-5c-iphone-5s-iphone-5.html -
the iPhone 5c come out
when the iPhone 5c came out it came out with little to no changes at all besides it being cheaper and having bright fruity colors
http://ipod.about.com/od/iPhone5SandiPhone5C/tp/Differences-Between-Iphone-5s-Iphone-5c.htm -
the iphone 6 is revealed
when it was revealed it came with a much larger screen , also with ios 10 unlike the 5,5c,5s's ios 8,9 and with a rounded frame making it stronger overall.