776 BCE
Old age
Los desplazamientos más destacados eran los que realizaban con motivo de asistir a los Juegos Olímpicos de la Edad Antigua (las olimpiadas son los 4 años que transcurren entre dos juegos consecutivos en la ciudad de Olimpia), a las que acudían miles de personas y donde se mezclaban religión y deporte. También existían peregrinaciones religiosas, como las que se dirigían a los oráculos de Delfos y de Dodoma. -
Middle Ages
During the Middle Ages there was initially a setback due to greater conflict and the resulting economic recession. At this time a new type of travel emerges, religious pilgrimages. These had already existed in ancient and classical times but both Christianity and Islam would extend them to a greater number of believers and the displacements would be greater. -
Modern age
Pilgrimages continue during the Modern Age. In Rome, 1,500 pilgrims die due to the bubonic plague. It is at this time that the first accommodations with the name of hotel appear. As the great personalities traveled accompanied by their entourage, it was impossible to accommodate everyone in the palace, so these constructions were created. This is also the time of the great maritime expeditions of the Spanish, British and Portuguese that arouse curiosity and interest in travel. -
Modern Age
También de esta época data el descubrimiento de los baños de barro como remedio terapéutico, playas frías (Niza, Costa Azul) a donde iban a tomar los baños por prescripción médica. -
Modern Age
In 1841 Thomas Cook organized the first organized voyage in history. Although it was an economic failure, it is considered a resounding success in terms of precedent for the tourist package, since he realized the enormous economic possibilities that this activity could have, thus creating in 1851 the first Travel Agency in the world In 1867 he invented the voucher or Boucher, a document that allows the use in hotels of certain services contracted and prepaid through a travel agency. -
Tourism as such was born in the 19th century, as a consequence of the Industrial Revolution, with trips whose main intention is leisure, rest, culture, health, business or family relationships. These movements are characterized by their purpose of other types of trips motivated by wars, migratory movements, conquest, trade, among others. However tourism has clear historical background. -
Tourism today
In 2023, the country with the most tourism was Spain with a record of 86.5 million tourists. Tourism is currently used for vacations, trips, work, education, retreats, etc.
Tourism is one of the main sources of money for countries. https://www.hosteltur.com/158807_espana-podria-cerrar-2023-con-un-nuevo-record-de-865-millones-de-turistas.html