WWII Systematic Training
Sep 1, 1939: Train the trainer programs and management training all starting during this era. Due to the war, there was a shift in the industry to war production. Many women and men over the age of 40 enter the work force with a shortage of vocational school trainers; the military used systematic training. (Estep, 2008, p. 14-15). Photo retrieved from https://www.flickr.com/photos (Rosie the Riveter, 1942, 2008) -
ASTD Launched
April 2, 1942
At their first meeting held in New Orleans, Louisiana, the American Society of Training Directors (ASTD) was launched. In attendance to their first meeting held January 12, 1943, in Baton Rouge there were fifteen members. (Estep,2008, p. 16) Image retrieved from en.wikipedia.org -
B.F. Skinner
Jan 15, 1950: B.F. Skinner
B.F. Skinner introduced behaviorism in his book Science and Human Behavior in 1953. His written work built on his work during the war. (Estep, 2008, p. 17) Retrieved photo from (B.F. Skinner foundation -home/facebook, n.d.) -
Organizational Development
In the 60s Organization Development (OD) has taken root and was in place to help build organization or community businesses making them more effective and efficient. Trainers would coach, train, analyze, and consult to align the organization to achieve its goals. (Estep, 2008, p. 21) Image retrieved from (R is for recruitment -new signature, n.d.) -
ASTD 1st International Training
In 1972, ASTD and the U.S. State Department-sponsored the first international training and development conference in Geneva, Switzerland. Two hundred people attended it from six continents. (Estep, 2008, p. 23) (ASTD-American society for training & development, n.d.) -
United States Economic Crisis
The economic slowing down, causing the organizations to downsize and many personnel without jobs. All this taking place in the early 80s, budget training is now on the forefront which opens the value of discipline in all organizations. Return-on-investment (ROI) and cost-benefit analysis were hot topics among executives. (Estep, 2008, p. 25). Image retrieved from time.com (Mitchell, 2015) -
The First Computer
In the 1980s technology made significant advancements. In 1981 the first electronic workstations were used and in 1986 laptop computers were available. The use of computers changed how the learning was disseminated (Estep, 2008, p. 26). Image retrieved fromcomputerhope.com/issues/ch000984.htm (When was the first computer invented?, 2019) -
In 1990 we saw technology change the direction of learning in the classroom. Learners can use computer-based training. E-learning allows learners to learn at their own pace, make mistakes, greater access to training and eliminate the cost of traveling. E-learning eliminates the classroom and gives learners the ability to repeat a lesson until they are comfortable. (Estep, 2008, p. 26) Image retrieved from dreamtime.com (Ymgerman, n.d.) -
Web 2.0
In the 2000s, technology continued to explode. Learners can access classrooms or training through personal cell phones and home computers. Trainers can utilize wikis, blogs, and websites to teach online courses. Web 2.0 is introduced to connect people and enhance learning. Technology is growing and continue to strengthen and develop as the years go by, next we will see Web 3.0. (Estep, 2008, p. 30) Image retrieved from (16 best web 2.0 sites to create free blog for link building, 2019)