Aug 11, 1066
Apprenticeship in the Middle Ages
Artisans produced their wares one at a time, which was sufficient to meet the demand. The skills more specialized. Lasts for years. Came about due to the invention of complex tools and the required knowledge and skills to use them.
www.msu.edu -
In 1917, in response to the need of nearly half a million workers by the Emergency Fleet Corporation of the U,S, Shipping Board, Charles R. Allen developed a way of training shipbuilders, which involved four steps: 1. Show 2. Tell 3. Do 4. Check. This along with research from the Army during WWI several principles of training instruction were developed (McCord, 1976) -
Pre World War II
The earliest training efforts revolved around on-the-jpb experience. If lucky, you were paired with a seasoned veteran. If not, training was a matter of trial and error. Before WWII, the types of formal workplace training programs that now are commonplace were very rare. -
WWII - Systematic Training
World War II brought a demand for more product and massive numbers of workers enlisting into the military. Mangers began to systematize the administration, control, coordination and planning of factory work (Estep, 2008)
*ASTD Handbook -
ASTD Formed
The Association for Talent Development (ATD) is a professional membership organization supporting those who develop the knowledge and skills of employees in organizations around the world. The association was previously known as the American Society for Training & Development (ASTD). -
5 Principles of Adult Learning
Mr. Knowles is well known for his adult learning philosophies. The 5 principles of adult learning include: Self-concept, adult learner experience, orientation to learn and motivation to learn. The 5th assumption was added several years after the first four (1980). -
Teacher Learning Journey Badging System
Digital badges are online representations of personal learning experiences and activities that tell a story about the learner's education and skills. The badges allows the learner to customize their professional development (PD) experience to their workplace - a portfolio, documenting workplace learning that can be shared witth colleagues and supervisors, or as repositories of content or reflection. TLJ is developed by Penn State University, NASA and the National Science Teachers Association.