Development of Job instruction Technique
During World War II the need for expedicious and proficienct training was overbearing for themilitary. The need for training The National Defense Advisory Commission, developed JIT (Job InstructionTraining) which provided supervisors with the necceessary to train their employees instaneously and adequately (Extension, 2016). Extension. (2016). Job Instruction Training. Retrieved from http://articles.extension.org/pages/70638/job-instruction-training
http://olive-drab.com/gallery/descript -
Human Relations Training
During the 1950s systematic material developed, at this time workers seeked distinguished attention. Trainings in social and emotional competence was called human relations training. Human relations training programs were designed for managers (Montone, 2010). Montone, C. (2010, April, 9). Gentlemen of Taste [Web log Post] Retrieved from http://artskooldamage.blogspot.com/2010/04/gentlemen-of-taste.html [Untitled image of two males]. (n.d.). [Men at Work]. Retrieved from http://artskoolda -
Bloom's Taxonomy of the Cognitive Domain
Blooms Taxonomy was initially an approach to classify goals and objectives and that a person must master one task before moving to the nextas it applies in the educational domain. By 1959 the this approach was applied to support cognitive assessment, as a tool for instructional outcomes and the design of instruction (1950 Programmed Instruction and Task Management, n.d.). Image
[untitled illustration of Blooms Taxonomy]. Retrieved February 28, 2016 from https://cft.vanderbilt.edu/guides-sub- -
Organizational Development
Kurt Lewin founded the Organizational Development approach (OD) based on behavioral research. This fostered behavioral development strategies like sensitivity training, survey feedback, sociotechnical approaches in business, and quality management Program (Health Behavior and Health Education Theory, Research, and Practice, n.d.).
Health Behavior and Health Education THEORY, RESEARCH, AND PRACTICE. (n.d.). Organizational Development Theory. Retrieved from http://www Image
Marshall, S. (2014) -
B. F. Skinner Teaching Machine.
B. F. Skinner is known for inventing teaching machine. during the 1960s the development of teaching machines presented the opportunity to deliver programmed instruction. This was a the start of computer generated trainings. Waters, A. (2015). The Rise of Programmed Instruction. Retrieved from http://hackeducation.com/2015/02/10/skinners-box Image
[Untitled image of Teaching Machines]. (n.d.). [Computer photograph]. Retrieved from http://hackeducation.com/2015/02/10/skinners-box -
1980s reduction in Job training
During the 1980s the value of job training decreased. Mechanical and technological advancements rose. Humans began being replaced by machinery. (Meyerson, 2016). Meyerson, H. (2016). The Forty Year Slump. Retrieved from http://prospect.org/article/40-year-slump Image
(Torres,R. 2015) -
1990 Rise in Trainings
An emphasis was placed on training workers of all grades. Training were viewed as beneficial. There was a rise in computer based trainings. This method of training popularized in job markets. 1980s Microcomputers and Performance Technology (n.d.). A Hypertext History of Instructional Design. Retrieved from http://faculty.coe.uh.edu/smcneil/cuin6373/idhis
[Untitled image of Computers]. (n.d.). [Computer photograph]. Retrieved from https://www.flickr.com/photos/50792191@N08/5015673997 -
2000s to Present
The need for job training has continuouswly been on the rise in businesses. Job training is the key to an organization's success. Trainers utilize various innovative tools such as the internet anb social media to conduct trainings (The Future. (n.d.).
The Future.. (n.d.). A Hypertext History of Instructional Design. Retrieved from http://faculty.coe.uh.edu/smcneil/cuin63 Image
[untitled illustration of Globe]. Retrieved February 28, 2016 from