Tech ed

Evolution Of The Machine Gun

By Damon98
  • Vickers Mark 1

    Vickers Mark 1
    The Vickers Mark 1 machine gun was designed by the Vickers company in 1811. It was adopted in Britain on November 26, 1812. The Vickers Mark 1 was very similar to the Maxim, except it was water-cooled and used “belt” ammunition.
  • Gatling gun

    Gatling gun
    Doctor Richard Gatling patented his design of the "Gatling Gun", a six-barreled weapon capable of firing a phenomenal 200 rounds per minute
  • Fully automatic machine-guns

    Fully automatic machine-guns
    The first fully automatic machine-gun (apart from the initial cocking action) was developed by Hiram S. Maxim between 1883 and 1885. It used the recoil from firing to activate the breech-block. By simply depressing the firing button, a round was fired, the spent cartridge was expelled, a new round fed into the breech, the firing pin cocked, the new round fired, and so on.
  • Demonstration of the Maxium Machine Gun

    Demonstration of the Maxium Machine Gun
    He used American 0.45-in. Martini-Henry brass cartridges transversely mounted in long canvas belts of up to 250 rounds. He first demonstrated the Maxim machine-gun to British Army staff officers in 1885. The Maxim he demonstrated fired 600rpm and was oil-cooled. The British Army showed surprisingly little enthusiasm - some influential senior staff officers thought that the machine-gun was an improper means of waging war.
  • Colt Browning m1895 Potato Digger

    Colt Browning m1895  Potato Digger
    it was a .30 callaber and held 240 rounds was very durable and did alot of damage
  • German Maxim 08

    German Maxim 08
    created by, Sir Hiram it was used through out WW1 450Rpm. it had a muzzle booster. it imporved its range and accuracy up to 45% was a7.92x57mm it weighed nearly 140 pounds it reached over 4,000 yards
  • Browning m19717

    Browning m19717
    Created in the usa a very powerful machine gun that holds 250 rounds and is 74kg. the rpm is 500 max. very useful for long range targets.

    its a 9mm. Glisenti. Twin barrels.
    Used by: Italy.RPM: 300 max. from each barrel, but operationally much less due to elaborate recharging routine.
    Magazine: Pressed steel round box holding 25 rounds. it was used in the great war.
  • Thompson Machine gun

    Thompson Machine gun
    The Thompson machine gun, or the Tommy gun, was designed by General John T. Thompson, and the first guns were used on November 11, 1918. This was one of the world’s first light machine guns and revolutionized them.
  • Browning M1919

    Browning M1919
    Created by the usa very powerful and a well trusted machinegun. 0.30 calaber 500RPM. used all the way up to WW2
  • Besa mechine gun

    Besa mechine gun
    used in the British army. very accurate a medium class gun used on shot between 450 and 750 rounds per minute. it was a 7.92mm