
Evolution of The Western Concert Flute

  • Jan 1, 1550

    Flute to Recorder

    Flute to Recorder
    During the fourteenth century, "flutes" advanced to become what is now recognized as the recorder. The addition of more tone holes, a longer body, and a new head, transformed flute into a less complex instrumment.
  • Jan 1, 1575

    The Non-organic Flute

    The Non-organic Flute
    The portions of the flute began to be produced in iron, or other metals relative to the 14th century. Thomas Stanesby Jr. most famously manufactured them along with oboes.
  • The Traverso

    The Traverso
    Theobald Boehm created the traverso, the first horizontaly-held flute. It replaced the need for "half-holding" and escaped the "recorder era". Unlike its predicestor, the traverso lacked a mouthpiece, instead had an "embrochure hole" was installed in which the musician had to blow air across. The traverso also produced a three-part fute instead of one simplistic body. The flute also sported a new Eb key, a conical bore, and a full one-and-a-half-octave range.
  • Flute for Orchestral Music

    Flute for Orchestral Music
    The flute was modified to fit bores of varying lengths to change the pitch of the instrument and to improve overall ensemble playability with the common stringed orchestras of this time period.
  • 8 Tone Holes

    8 Tone Holes
    The flute's range was extended through the addition of a C, C#, G,Bb and F key, this (8 tone holes) became the permanent flute assembly. These keys eliminated cross fingerings within the chromatic scale and extended the range of the instrumment which allowed music of Mozart and Hayden to be played in the correct key.
  • The Creation of The Western Concert Flute

    The Creation of The Western Concert Flute
    Theobald Boehm created the first western concert flute. This flute is the same flute we use today. Boehm's version of the flute eliinated almost all tonality and intonation issues with the flute.
  • The Discovery of The Flute

    The Discovery of The Flute
    The oldest flute discovered is assumed to be used approximately 47,000 years ago. While its creator is unknown, the first flutes were constructed from the bones of large animals and consisted of 3 holes on a hollowed body, though only portions of diatonic scales were playable. The general presense of art began to make its appppearence on humanity around this time.