Period: to
Visual aides used in schools
Lantern slide projectors and stereograph viewers used in some schools -
Organized Instructional Media Emerges
The first "School Museum" is established in St. Louis for housing visual media such as films, slides, and photographs for use -
Motion Pictures Used for instruction
First catalog of instructional films published and Rochester, New York public school system adopts film for regular instructional use -
Thomas Edison States "Books will soon be obsolete in the Schools"
Period: to
Visual Instruction Movement Grows
Professional organizations and journals focusing on visual instruction established -
Period: to
Audiovisual Introduced
The use of sound is introduced to instructional media. Radio is especially important in this time period. Textbooks also begin to be written on visual instruction -
Period: to
Audiovisual instruction movement in schools slow, but many audiovisual devices are used in military service and industry. Also, the origins of instructional design can be traced to this era -
Period: to
Postwar Era
New media technologies emerge such as the television and computer. -
Period: to
Television Media Used
Television was widely used and emphasized as an instructional medium, especially in the 50s, but fizzles out by the mid 60s -
Period: to
Early ID Movement
The Instructional design flow of ideas looked something like the following:
Programmed instruction -> Behavioral objects -> Criterion-Referenced Testing -> Domains of learning, Events of Instruction and Hierarchical Analysis
Through contributions from people like Skinner, Mager,Gagne -
B.F. Skinner publishes influential article
"'The Science of Learning and the Art of Teaching' begins what might be called a minor revolution int he field of education" (Reiser,13) -
Period: to
Behaviorism Popular
Movement in Learning Theory lead by the work of Skinner -
First Formal Definition of IDT
The definition: "the design and use of messages which control the learning process" adopted by the Department of Audiovisual Instruction (later called the AECT) -
ADDIE Model Popularized
Period: to
Systematic approach and academic growth in ID
during the 70s Instructional design begins to show up prominently in academia with instructional improvement centers and graduate programs -
Period: to
Cognitivism Popular
Cognitive Theory popularized in Learning Theory. Important ideas include: Information Processing Theory, Schema Theory, Cognitive Load, Situated Learning Theory -
U.S. military adopts instructional design model
AECT updates definition of Field
"Educational technology is a complex, integrated process involving people, procedures, ideas, devices, and organization, for analyzing problems and devising, implementing, evaluating, and managing solutions to those problems, involved in all aspects of human learnign" -
Period: to
Growth of ID
In the 80s many ID theories were being applied in industry albeit not as much in public schools. Ideas of cognitive psychology begin to be integrated in ID. Computers begin to become relevant -
Computers used in 40% of elementary schools and 75% of secondary schools
AECT updates definition of Field
"Instructional Technology is the theory and practice of design, development, utilization, management, and evaluation of processes and resources for learning" -
Period: to
Modern ID
Through the 90s, constructivist and performance based models had big influences on ID. With the flourishing of computers and the internet through the present, the ID field has really expanded. -
Period: to
Constructivism Introduced
Modern ideas of Learning Theory emerge -
AECT updates definition of Field
The latest definition used by the AECT is " Educational technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological processes and resources" -
IDT Definition
Reiser proposes the field be named "Instructional Design and Technology in our textbook" (Latest edition published in 2018)