First School Museum
The first school museum was opend in St. Louis in 1905 and shortly after two more opened one in Penssylvania and another in Ohio -
First Catalog of Instrctional Films
The first catalog for instructional films was published in the United states in 19010 -
Thomas Edison's Vision
Thomas Edison stated " Books will soon be obselete in schools...It is possible to teach every branch of human knowledge with motion picture. Our school system will be completley changed in the next ten years" (cited in Saettler, 1968, p.98). -
The Association for Educational Communications and Technology was created in 1923 when the three national professional organizations for visual instruction merged together -
War Training Videos
In 1941 the Division of Visual Aids for War Training was created. This gave the ability for a reduced training time without losing its effectiveness. -
Theories of Communication
Shannon and Weavers model was used to help the audiovisual instruction movement that was taking place during WWII -
Beginning of Computers
The first CAI program to be used in school was created by researchers at IBM in the 1950's -
Instructional Television
In 1952 the Federal Communications Commision set aside 242 televison channels for educational purposes. -
Minor Revolutation
B.F. Skinners puts out an article that is considered to have started a revoltion in the education field. -
Blooms Taxonomy
In 1956 Benjamin Bloom and his collegues published the Taxonomy of Educational Objectives -
The Soviet Union launched Sputnki the first orbiting space satellite. -
Instructional Theory Birth
The birth of instructional theory and active research on instructional stratagies was during the 1960's and 1970's -
Criterion-referenced Assessment
Robert Glaser was first to use the term criterion-referenced measures instead of norm-referenced measures -
The Conditions of Learning
Robert Gagne published the first edition of The Conditions of Learning -
Atkison and Shriffin
These two proposed a multistage, multistore theory of memory -
1970 Defintion
Commission on Instructional Tecnology produced two revised defintions which were concluded on funded research. -
A new defintion has been created by the AECT, which was 120 pages. -
Computer Use Increase
in 1983 40% of all elementary and 75% of all secondary schools in the United States were using computers for instructioanl purposes. -
In 1988 Powerpoint Version 1 was released -
Computers and Job Performance
In the 1990's the riseomputers to aid in the improvement of job performance took place -
IBM Simon
In 1992 IBM showcased the IBM Simon the first ever smart phone -
1994 Definiton
Instructional technology is beyond being viewd as a process -
REALs was developed by Joni Dunlap and Scott Grabinger, it was a model used for designing authentic instruction -
AECT Book Production
In 2008 the AECT produced a book that gave a new defintion of Eductaonal Technolog -
Distance Learning in Higher Education
In the Fall of 2008 more than 4.6 million students were taking online higher education classes in the United States