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Evolution of Surgery

  • Penicillin Usage

    Penicillin Usage
    Penicillin was discovered by Sir Alexander Fleming. It was used in WWII to help fight infections of soldiers to help keep them alive. This was the start of penicillin usage as an antibiotic on open wounds to help fight infections. Penicillin was slowly used in doctor settings and hospitals (like the OR).
  • First Successful Organ Transplant

    First Successful Organ Transplant
    This was the first successful organ transplant and it involved the kidney. The recipient rejected the kidney eight months after the procedure, however. This procedure shown that transplants were capable of happening, but more research/time was needed. A demand for organ transplants increased.
  • First Successful Heart Surgery

    First Successful Heart Surgery
    This was the first successful open heart surgery for the direct closure of an atrial septal defect; operated by Dr. F. John Lewis. This open-heart surgery allowed for a wider range of heart condition treatments.
  • Living Donor Transplant

    Living Donor Transplant
    First successful living donor kidney transplant. The first organ transplant in 1950 played a role in this success. They used research and past actions to come up with a better transplant method. The kidney was actually donated by the twin brother, and the recipient lived eight years after the procedure. A family member being a donor seemed to be a better donor/transplant option.
  • First Successful Heart Transplant

    First Successful Heart Transplant
    After having a successful open heart surgery in 1952, advancements kept coming for the heart. The first successful heart transplant was performed by Dr. Christian Barnard in South Africa. This specific transplant was publicized, which allowed for more advancements.
  • Revolutionized Cardiovascular Disease Treatment

    Revolutionized Cardiovascular Disease Treatment
    Balloon catheters and coronary artery bypass grafts were used to unblock major arteries. Treatment for the heart resulted in increased awareness of lifestyle habits and improved survival odds for patients. Survival odds just kept getting better and better from this day.
  • First Surgery Centers Outside of the Hospital

    First Surgery Centers Outside of the Hospital
    Outpatient surgeries were created; new national emergency service systems were implemented. Surgery centers were created for better timing/environment for the patients.
  • Propofol

    Introduced to surgery by John B. Glen. Propofol is used as a local anesthesia to numb the target area. This medication/drug helped relax the person and made the surgery process much more easier. This medication/drug also helped with nausea and vomiting symptoms/signs.
  • Successful Use of Drug, Cyclosporine

    Successful Use of Drug, Cyclosporine
    This was the first non-steroidal immunosuppressive and non-toxic (to bone marrow) drug. This drug suppressed the human immune system to help treat organ rejection during the transplant recovery process. More organ transplant surgeries were able to happen, and the future looked bright for the medical field.
  • PUMA 560

    PUMA 560
    This surgical robot was one of the first robots used to assist in a neurosurgical biopsy. Computed tomography was used to guide the robot as it inserted a needle into the brain for biopsy. This technology helped element error from hand tremors during needle placement, and helps with material handling applications.
  • Minimal Invasive Surgery

    Minimal Invasive Surgery
    Laparoscopic cholecystectomy (removal of the gall bladder) marked a major advance in minimally invasive surgery. Minimal invasive surgery allows for faster healing and has lower infection incisions.
  • ROBODOC Device

    ROBODOC Device
    This device was made for hip-replacement surgeries. Dr. Howard “Hap” Paul created this device to help with the surgery process. ROBODOC was able to drill a hole into the hip area and metal joints/material was able to be placed to help with mobility. ROBODOC allows for greater accurate surgical incisions, advances, measures, etc.
  • First Successful Hand Transplant

    First Successful Hand Transplant
    The hand transplant was the first limb transplant surgery that was a major advancement. The hand came from a brain dead donor, and was given to a right hand amputated recipient. This hand transplant highlighted the potential for composite tissue allotransplantation (CTA).
  • Da Vinci robot

    Da Vinci robot
    The da Vinci robot was granted by the FDA for laparoscopic (abdominal) surgery. The da Vinci robot is one of the most advanced surgical robots used to date. The da Vinci robot is another minimal invasive procedure applying machine; it applies complex and delicate dissection of the body. The da Vinci robot also saves time.
  • First Implanted Artificial Heart

    First Implanted Artificial Heart
    This technology/heart was called AbioCor TAH. This was the first self-contained internal artificial heart. This device was studied for 30 years before it was successfully implanted in a human. A group of surgeons from Louisville, Kentucky came up with this artificial heart device. This artificial heart allowed for surgeons to keep the person alive while waiting for a donor heart.