Evolution of Special Education

  • Mills v. Broad of E

    In Mills v. The Board of Education of the District of Columbia (1972), litigants challenged the exclusion of children identified disabled from Washington, D.C., schools.
    Mills demonstrated the unconstitutionality of school exclusion procedures. Mills “right to education” cases highlighted the
    right of students with disabilities to due process
    This rulingsupport needs of disable children by ,upholding their right to education.
  • Board of Education of Henrick Hudson School System v. Rowley

    This landmark case clarified "appropriate education" . The school stance ;they provided equal opportutnity for Amy (who is deaf) to receive equal opportuntity of FAPE.
    Amy parent diagree, because the intrepreter services was remove from Amy's IEP. Parent file due process.
    The Courts agree that the school system provided Amy equal opportunity to FAPE. That's what's required by law.
    This law support due process .and FAPE
    I feel this ruling support disable student regarding pr
  • Honig v. Doe

    This case decreed the school systems may not unilaterterally exclude children with disablities from class due to behavior mainfested from disablity.
    The school stance felt that Doe behavior was a dangerous exception to law.
    Doe felt "stay put " provision was over looked, his right violated under IDEA.
    The rulig agreed with stay put provision unless educator can prove student as a danger to self or others.
    This support students by make sure they are not unjust expelled without due process.