Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka 1954
This case brought U.S Supreme Court attention of segregation in public schools. It was argued that the separated black and white schools, made black students feel inferior to white students and that should not be allowed. Segregation in public schools was declared as unconstitutional and that separate but equal has no place for the school system.
http://www.uscourts.gov/educational-resources/educational-activities/history-brown-v-board-education-re-enactment -
The Rehabilitaion Act of 1973
“No otherwise qualified individual with a disability in the United States... shall, solely by reason of her or his disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.” This includes state colleges, universities, and vocational training schools.
http://webaim.org/articles/laws/usa/rehab -
1975 Individual Education Program
IEP was first put into use after EHA (PL 94-142). This is a written document that is for all children identified with having a disability & needs special education services because of it. This document is put together by a team involving the student’s annual goals, evaluation progress and FAPE. This document is good from grades k- 12 and follows the student to whatever school district they are enrolled in.
https://www.education.com/reference/article/individualized-education-program-iep1/ -
Education for All Handicapped Children Act (PL 94-142)
A young boy going into 1st grade named Hector was entered into a new behavioral program. The program taught Hector social skills to help with his mood swings & aggression causing fights in class & on the playground. While working with 3 other peers in a small cooperative group, Hector learned to take control of his temper & behavior. By the end of the school year Hector was no longer viewed as being disruptive & was on his way to 2nd grade. https://www2.ed.gov/policy/speced/leg/idea/history.html -
Rowley v. Hudson Board of Education
Going into kindergarten Amy Rowley could only process approximately 60% of oral language. Amy’s parents insisted on an interpreter for Amy. This only lasted a few weeks before the school felt that the interpreter was not needed. The Court didn't think Amy was entitled to an interpreter in the classroom and felt instructional needs only advise SOME educational benefit to qualify as FAPE. http://usedulaw.com/185-board-of-education-of-the-hendrick-hudson-central-school-district-v-rowley.html -
Larry P. v. Riles 1984
The I.Q. tests was identified as bias and discriminated against African American students. The tests result in the misplacement of black children in special classes that doom them to stigma, inadequate education, and failure to develop the skills necessary to productive success in society. Because of these test black students made up 10% of general education and 25% of special education causing overrepresentation.
http://www.leagle.com/decision/19791421495FSupp926_11265/LARRY%20P.%20v.%20RILES -
1989 Timothy W.v. Rochester, New Hampshire School District
Timothy was a young boy with cerebral palsy & other disabilities. Even though Timothy was able to respond to sounds & other stimuli, the school board had a meeting to determine if he was “educationally handicapped”. The board refused to provide educational services to him & was sued. The courts ruled that school boards must provide special ed services to any student’s with disability regardless of the severity.
https://www.britannica.com/topic/Timothy-W-v-Rochester-New-Hampshire-School-District -
The Reauthorization of IDEA 2004
Signed by George W. Bush the revised Individuals with Disabilities Act included No child left behind, Changes to the Individual education programs, Transition at the age of 16, Overidentification of minorities, Student discipline, Due process &Litigation, Monitoring & Compliance, and Funding.