The Nel-Spot 007
The Nel-Spot 007 was the first paintball marker. It was not made for paintball it was made for forestry -
Creators of paintball start thinking
They were wondering if being able to survive in the woods is a product of environment or deeply buried instinct -
First paintball game
First paintball field opened
The Worlds first commercial paintball field was opened by Bob Gurnsey in New Hampshire -
NSG Splatmaster
The NSG Splatmasterwas the first paintball marker -
Tippmann Enters the Business with the SMG-60
the Tippmann SMG- was the first Full auto paintball -
Bud Orr makes the first Autococker
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Paintball revolutionized
Tippmann Custom 98 released
First E-hopper
Barrel Condoms instead of plugs
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Miltary Markers become more Popular
WGP Closes
Tainted Love Paintball team starts