First Distance Learning
The world's first distance learning is established in Boston with lessons sent by mail. -
Shorthand Writing
Shorthand writing is taught by correspondence in Great Britain -
Penn State
Penn State begins offering courses over the radio. -
Radio Broadcasting
200+ colleges have been granted radio broadcasting licenses. -
Telephone Lessons
The first telephone based education system is offered by the University of Wisconsin. -
TV Lessons
Stanford University founds a network providing instruction to engineering students. -
The Internet
The Internet is created by the Department of Defense. -
University of Phoenix
The University of Phoenix is established to give working adults flexible education options. -
The Computer Assisted Learning Center is established for adults. -
PH.D. Program
The Electronic University Network offers the world's first online PH.D. -
Online Curriculum
CalCampus established the first completely online curriculum. -
Blackboard / eCollege
Blackboard and eCollege are released to online learning students. -
Online Classes
81% of colleges offer at least one class. -
Millions of Students
5.5 million students are taking at least one online class. -
Online Courses
98% of public colleges offer online courses.