Evolution of Online Learning

By Marva
  • Period: to

    Landmark Events

    This timeline covers the land make events in the evolution of Online education, a) distance learning by post, b) distance learning by radio, c) distance learning by television, and, d) online learning by the internet.
  • Distance learning via the Post.

    Distance learning via the Post.
    Sweden advertised "Composition through the medium of the post.
    (Kantor, 2015)
  • Shorthand by mail.

    Shorthand by mail.
    Sir Isaac Pitman offers shorthand instruction via mail correspondence. (Kantor, 2015)
  • Anna Eliot Ticknor

    Anna Eliot Ticknor
    Found a Boston based home study program by mail. She was concerned that education should be for all social classes rather than focus on the wealthy ( Harting and Erthal ,2005)
  • 1878 -1890 Academic degrees by post.

    1878 -1890  Academic degrees by post.
    Collage begin to offer academic degrees in the post. Scerry College in Edingborough, University college in London, Illinois Wesleyan , University of Chicago offed academic degrees by post. (kantor, 2015).
  • 1891 Thomas J. Foster

    1891 Thomas J. Foster
    Foster the editor of the Mining Herald, offers a correspondence course on mining and the prevention of mining accidents. (Kantor, 2015).
  • 1901 Moody Bible Institute.

    1901 Moody Bible Institute.
    1901, Dwight Lyman Moody founded the Bible Institute in 1886 a long standing correspondence course. (Kantor, 2015).
  • 1920 Educational Radio Stations

    1920  Educational Radio Stations
    University of Wisconsin professors begin an amature wireless station later known as WHA the first federally licensed radio station dedicated to educational broadcasting (Engles, 1936)
  • 1930 Television teaching programs.

    1930 Television teaching programs.
    Despite the availability of the technology the first use of television broadcasting for education did not originate until between 1932 and 1937 at the University of Iowa (Koening & Hill 1967)
  • 1960 Satellite development.

    1960  Satellite development.
    The space age and the early internet begins its foray into education. This was a period of rapid development giving first light to prospect of the world wide computer networks as well as the first virtual campus though we were still a few years away from online education. (Kantor, 2015).
  • 1974 Appalachian Satellite Project.

    In 1966 NASA begins to launch a series of six application technology satellites (ATS) to test and improve equipment. Satellite time was made available to the Appalachan Regional Commission which aided organizations to develop experimental programs to demonstrate the feasibility of education via satellite. (Bramble & Ausness, 1974)
  • 1980-1990 Fiber optic communication.

    1980-1990 Fiber optic communication.
    Online educational programs emerge in 1989 when the University of Phoenix begin using Compuserve one of the first consumer online servers. Shortly there after, in 1991 the world wide web (web) was unvailed and the University of Phoenix became one of the first to offer online education programs through the Internet.
    1997 Blackboard Course Management software is launched.
  • 2000 - Internet

    2000 - Internet
    2009 - Youtube/Edu launched.
    2011 - Department of Education issues new regulation requiring online collages to satisfy all state level education requirements.
    2012 Udacity launches Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) on behalf of Harvard and MIT
  • 2019 - Future

    2019 - Future
    State supported regional universities will most likely migrate to offering courses and programs on line.
    Greater collaboration between learning institutions and e-textbook publishers.
    For profit learning institutions will become more of a threat to small not for profit institutions.
    (Dew, 2012)