E learning image

Evolution of On-line learning

  • Traditional School Classroom teaching

    Traditional School Classroom teaching
    School classrooms is where we have learned lessons by teachers lecturing and writing on chalkboards. Face to face personal interactions with students and teacher. In 1635 the Boston Latin School was created and was first public school and oldest existing school in the US.
  • Macintosh Computer

    Macintosh Computer
    Apple introduced a personal computer, with screen and a mouse in 1984. Apple itself was founded in 1976.
  • The University of Phoenix

    The University of Phoenix
    online university
  • Learning Management System Software

    SoftArc created software for the MacIntosh platform.
  • The internet/World Wide Web

    The internet/World Wide Web
    the internet
  • Microsoft Windows 95

    Microsoft Windows 95
    The inception of Microsoft Windows 95 changed the way we used computers. It provided an operating system that was accepted and widely. It provided an operating system for the masses.
  • POST University

    POST University
    Post University began offering online learning options
  • Blackboard

    its a learning management system specifically for education and is widely used by colleges and universities across the country.
  • Google Classroom

    Google Classroom
    Google classroom was launched in 2014 and by 2015 it had approximately 10 million student and teacher users
  • COVID-19 Pandemic

    COVID-19 Pandemic
    COVID -19 hit schools and students particularly hard and caused many schools to turn to online - distance learning.