Naturalization Act
The Naturalization Act reserved naturalized citizenship for whites only. -
Indian Removal Act
The Indian Removal Act forced the native american's out of their homes and they had to relocate to Oklahoma. -
People vs Hall
This supreme court act was a case where a Asian man was testifying as a witness against a white man. This case lead to non-whites being prevented from testifying in court. -
Fugitive Slave Act
African Americans were denied citizenship whether free or enslaved. -
Homestead Act
The Homestead act encouraged the invasion of native american lands. This caused Indian tribes to relocate to government reservations. -
14th Amendment
The 14th amendment granted citizenship to everyone born/naturalized in the United States. This even included former slaves. This amendment granted that all citizens has "equal protections" -
Jim Crow segregation caused separation between the white people and African Americans. This is what lead to separate schools, bathrooms, water fountains, etc. -
Alien laws
The first law of this kind stated "aliens ineligible to citizenship" and although there was no specifics about who this applied to, they were talking about Asian people. They could not own or lease land.