801 BCE
Greece and Rome
Illness could be prevented by exercising and using clean water -
800 BCE
Witch doctors were the only ones who could heal. -
Dark Ages
Superstition became a popular belief again. -
Dec 19, 1500
Middle Ages
The highly contagious Black Death killed millions in less than 24 hours. -
The Renaissance
Many new discoveries were made about the body using body dissections. -
18th Century
A vaccine was made to prevent the deadly disease known as Smallpox. -
19th Century
Doctors used ether on patients to put them to sleep during long and painful surgeries. Bacteria was discovered. Elizabeth Blackwell changed the world for women by becoming the first women to graduate from college with a degree in medicine. -
The Modern Age
The X-Ray was invented, and over a thousand new medications have been discovered, and over a hundred new medical positions.