Evolution of media

Timeline of Exposure to Traditional-New Media

  • 3500 BCE

    Clay Tablets

    Clay Tablets
    The clay tablets of Mesopotamia were used to record the earliest writings of mankind. The clay tablets of Mesopotamia are fascinating because it is one of the earliest examples of writing. These clay tablets were a great medium to store data that help historians study the early civilization.
  • 2500 BCE


    Papyrus was used as the standard media for posters and notices while commercial entities tended to use painted walls or stones. Papyrus was very important in the humanities because it made it possible to produce books and documents on a scale that had never before been possible.
  • 2000 BCE


    It demonstrates that humans may have been using icons for many years to communicate and retell events of the local history and traditions. It shows that icons may have been used by humans to communicate and recount historical and cultural events for a very long time.
  • 1800 BCE

    Maya Codices

    Maya Codices
    The codices were used to set dates for rituals, often by linking them to astronomical events. The codices can be used to learn more about the Maya because they provide details on their religious practices, ceremonies, astrological movements, wildlife, and civilization.
  • 130 BCE

    Acta Diurna

    Acta Diurna
    The Roman Acta Diurna (translated from Latin to mean ‘Daily Acts’ or ‘Daily Public Records’) were the daily public notices that were posted in certain public places around the ancient city of Rome. Acta Diurna helped in spreading important information faster and in an easier way.
  • Newspaper

    A serial publication containing news about current events, other informative articles about politics, sports, arts, advertising, and many more. Newspaper carries the news of the world and it provides information and general knowledge.
  • Mail Letters

    Mail Letters
    A letter use to send information, news, and greetings. Sending mail letter gives you the freedom to say everything you want with no interruption. You also have time to think about the words you will use in the letter.
  • Morse Code

    Morse Code
    A method of transmitting text information as a series of on-off tones, lights, or clicks that can be directly understood by a skilled listener or observer without special equipment Morse code is easy to send because it is wireless. However, it is time-consuming because you still have to memorize it.
  • Typewriters

    A mechanical or electromechanical machine for writing characters similar to those produced by a printer’s movable type. Since manual typewriters don't have a backspace, they force you to think more carefully about your next words. You'll be more deliberate with your word choice, take your time on your work, and avoid careless spelling errors.
  • Telephone

    A telecommunication device that permits two or more users to conduct a conversation when they are too far apart to be heard directly. Using a telephone can get real-time answers to quick questions.
  • Television

    The television is a telecommunication medium used to transmit moving images, monochrome or colored, and with or without sound. Television is a device that we grow up with and played a key role in influencing our way of thinking and beliefs. In addition to providing entertainment, television has contributed to and continues to provide knowledge; yet, excessive television consumption may have harmful impacts.
  • Desk Phone

    Desk Phone
    The first push-button, touch-tone phone was introduced in 1963. It uses buttons or keys for dialing a phone number unlike earlier telephone instruments that used a rotary dial. Through desk phone, communication between distanced individuals were simplified. With the help of push button navigation in desk phones, it is easier to perform the functions of a traditional telephone.
  • Personal Computer

    Personal Computer
    A microcomputer equipped with a microprocessor and is designed to run commercial software for an individual user. Since a personal computer is an all-in-one tool that can be used to communicate, share/broadcast information, and save information, it has made work and studying easier.
  • Mobile Phone

    Mobile Phone
    Mobile phones are wireless handheld devices that enable users to communicate over a network. Earlier mobile phones could only send and receive text messages or phone calls. Mobile phones are portable devices that can be used to make calls and send texts. It made communication easy and convenient.
  • Digital Camera

    Digital Camera
    A hardware device that captures images using an electronic image sensor and stores the photographs as data on a memory card. Our memories can be preserved and viewed in the future thanks to digital cameras. The point-and-shoot technology of digital cameras, which automatically adjusts the settings of the camera for recording pictures or videos, also makes them quicker and simpler to use.
  • Internet

    A vast network that connects computers all over the world. (worldwide system of computer networks) The internet really defined this modern world. With its vast usage, people are connected 24/7 thru socials and other apps that need it for access. It benefits various fields for it provides global access to data and communications. (e.g education and we witnessed that during the pandemic.)
  • Search Engine

    Search Engine
    A software program that helps people find the information they are looking for using keywords or phrases ( here you can also access different websites like Facebook, Youtube, etc.). Since the internet contains a lot of information, search engines, for us, act as the filter that leads access to relevant and useful information. It helps people to quickly and easily find info without going thru numerous web pages.
  • Portable Computers

    Portable Computers
    A computer that is designed to be easily moved (portable) from one place to another, includes a display and a keyboard together in one device (built-in). Computers are powerful, yes, but have you heard of on-the-go ones? A laptop is solely built for its portability like phones; it is versatile and a lot more powerful. It is a type of computer that can offer a variety of functions that other devices can't on the go.
  • Smart Watch

    Smart Watch
    A mobile device with a touchscreen display, designed to be worn on the wrist. (It is in the form of a watch and has features similar to a watch.) Smartwatches place many of the useful features of a smartphone on your wrist. They are capable of receiving notifications, making and receiving phone calls, and accessing a variety of apps. They are frequently outfitted with sophisticated fitness trackers that can analyze every movement you make, and some of the apps are actually helpful.
  • Smartphone

    A handheld electronic device that provides a connection to a cellular network and the internet (can do more/have extra features than regular mobile phones) Smartphones today are quite versatile with only one device we can read books, listen to music, take pictures, watch videos, play games, create and edit documents, get a medical opinion, and much more. It's no wonder that almost all people are "stuck" or always on their phones.