Evolution of Insulin

  • Dog Pancreas Study begins

    Dog Pancreas Study begins
    Two scientists removed the pancreas of a dog in order to study the effects on digestion.
  • No use of Insulin

    No use of Insulin
    Treatments for diabetes were limited to lead sugar to restrict urine flow, and no sugar diets.
  • Discovery of Insulin

    Discovery of Insulin
    Frederick Banting discovered the importance and effects of insulin production in the body
  • First Insulin Patient

    First Insulin Patient
    At the age of 14, a young boy suffering of diabetes was given insulin and although later died started development towards insulin injection.
  • Successful use of Insulin

    Successful use of Insulin
    After further research insulin is purified and was introduced to more patients and became successful.
  • Protamine Zinc Insulin is Introduced

    Protamine Zinc Insulin is Introduced
    It was discovered that insulin made with protamine zinc lasted longer in the body and was more effective.
  • Treatment evolves

    Treatment evolves
    Diabetes can now be treated with insulin supplements and special diets.
  • Urine Test Upgrade

    Urine Test Upgrade
    Small tablets can now be used to test urine samples for glucose levels.
  • 1st chemically synthesized protein

    1st chemically synthesized protein
    Insulin became the first human protein to be chemically synthesized and usable.
  • Backpack Insulin Pump

    Backpack Insulin Pump
    Dr. Arnold Kadish invented the first pump that could be worn as a backpack and administer insulin and glucagon.
  • First infusion pump

    First infusion pump
    Dean Kamen invents the first wearable infusion pump which would soon be marketed by AutoSyringe Inc in 1976