
Evolution of Energy

  • Coal

    The first recorded discovery of coal in this country was in 1679 by French explorers, but in 1750 Dr. Thomas Walker was the first person to discover how to use this material.
  • Benjamin Franklin

    Benjamin Franklin
    Benjamin Franklin was the first man to discover that lightning was made from electricity by flying a silk kite with an iron key tied to the end of the string and when lighting flashed a small spark jumped from the key onto his wrist. Proving Benjamins theory that lightning constists of electricity true.
  • Period: to

    Evolution of Energy Generation

  • Natural Gas

    Natural Gas
    Natural gas was always a mystery to mankind but around 1785 the British made natural gas from coal and used that gas to light houses and streets.
  • Biomass Energy

    Biomass Energy
    A company for gas in London first used pyrolysis, (a thermo chemical decompostion of organic material) by heating the biomass in an oxygen-free environment to produce a liquid oil.
  • Michael Faraday

    Michael Faraday
    In 1831 Michael Faraday discoverd how to generate electricity, His brilliant mind thought if electricity could generate electricity why couldn't magnetism generate elecrticity? And he found the solution, he discovered that when a magnet was moved inside a coil of copper wire, a tiny electric current flows through the wire. His basic methods are stil being used today.
  • Alexandre Edmond Becquerel

    Alexandre Edmond Becquerel
    He had an active interest in the study of light. He researched on phosphorescence, photochemical effects, the electric light and solar radiation. He was the first scientist to research these topics extensively. He invented the phosphoroscope, a device which allowed periods between exposure to a light source and the observation of the resulted affects.
  • J. Willard Gibbs

    J. Willard Gibbs
    In 1876-1878 J. Willard Gibbs discovered when two or more chemicals are mixed chemical reactions occur that can produce energy but can cause pollution.
  • Upgrade

    In the 1890s coal replaced wood in Biomass energy creation because it has a longer lasting and stronger fire then wood.
  • First Hydro-Electric Generator in Niagra Falls

    First Hydro-Electric Generator in Niagra Falls
    Nikola Tesla and George Westinghouse worked together to invent the first Hydro-Electric generator which was powered by Teslas AC generators that he invented
  • First Nuclear Power Plant

    First Nuclear Power Plant
    On the day of June 27, 1954, the USSR's Obninsk Nuclear Power Plant became the world's first nuclear power plant to generate electricity for a power grid, and produced around 5 megawatts of electric power.
  • Antoine Henri Becquerel

    Antoine Henri Becquerel
    There were a number of scientists that have contributed to the discovery of nuclear energy. Albert Einstein’s famous equation, E=MC2, suggested the idea that you could get a huge amount of energy by splitting the mass of an object but there was simply no way to test it in a lab. In 1896, French scientist and physicist, Antoine Henri Becquerel accidentally discovered radioactivity when he was doing research on phosphorescence in uranium salt.
  • Efficiency

    In the year 2000 houses are nearly 2 times as efficient but still cosume slightly more energy then the older houses because of the amount of electrical devices using up electricity.