Evolution of Education

  • First School Opened

    The Boston Latin School was the first school in America. It is in a different location, but is still operating today.
    [Link text] https://www.nationalgeographic.org/thisday/apr23/first-public-school-america/
  • The NEA is founded

    The national education association is founded in Philadelphia by 43 teachers. They are focused on raising teachers salaries, child labor laws, educating emancipated slaves, and the assimilation of Native Americans. http://hechingered.org/content/the-rise-of-teacher-unions-a-look-at-union-impact-over-the-years_5601/
  • Native American Boarding Schools

    The first Native American boarding school as started on the Yakima Indian Reservation in the state of Washington. The goal was to "assimilate" Native Americans and make them use more traditional American ways, rather than using their culture.
  • Plessy vs. Ferguson

    Plessy was on a train and took a seat in the white-only car. He was asked to move and after not doing so, he was arrested. He took his case to the Supreme Court since what had happened was very discriminatory. The court ruled it as "separate but equal" and nothing was done.
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    A man wanted his daughter to go to a school just a few blocks from his home, but she was rejected because it was an all white school. He attempted to take his case to the Supreme Court, but they wouldn't take it. A few years later, after more cases like this kept coming up, the court decided to take on the case. In the end, it was ruled that schools would have to desegregate along with many things in society.
  • The Standards Movement

    This movement showed just how behind our nation was in education. It opened the governments eyes, and helped them to see that we needed better schools, and better supplies for teachers. This helped spark the movement for No Child Left Behind.
  • Columbine School Shooting

    This was the first massive school shooting in America. It was done by 2 high school seniors. They ended up killing 13 of their own peers or teachers, and wonder over 20 others. After they shot up the school, they then committed suicide. This shooting was the start of some tragic times in America.
  • No Child Left Behind

    This law required students to be tested in reading and math in grades 3-8 and once in high school. The main goal of this act was to provide all students with an equal oppritunity to receive education. This movement revolutionized the way schools taught in America.
  • Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting

    This shooting took place in a small town in Connecticut. A high schooler woke up, shot his mother, and then got in the car and went to this elementary school. He proceeded to shoot 28 defenseless children and teachers, and injured to others. Before the police could arrest him, he committed suicide himself. Police have tried to figure out what made him go on this shooting spree, but nothing was ever found.
  • Government Invests in Safety Precautions after School Shooting

    After another massive school shooting in Florida, the government gave money to schools to invest in better security. This also let them get bullet proof glass, steel doors, and even metal detectors. School shooting are something that keep happening in America, and the government is trying to take the proper precautions to make them stop.